fake propose

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Sera: hey sonic! Get your but in here! You have a dare!
Sonic: *runs in* yes?
Sera: *whispers* you have to fake propose to amy...
Sonic: *blushes* w-what!?
Sera: shhhh! She can't know idiot!! *covers his mouth*
Sonic: fine you go get get the guys to help...
Sera: *glares* did you just order me around? *pulls out scythe*
Sonic: *puts hands up* n-no! Of course not! *runs out door really quick*
Sera: *smirks* that's what I thought...

Sonic: do I have to? She's gonna kill me for tricking her!
Shadow: o come on faker quit being a baby! *crosses arms*
Tails: alright amy is here go and propose! *pushes him out the door*
Sonic: wait I'm not ready to-*door closes* those jerks!
Amy: sonic what's going on?
Sonic: *blushes* u-um amy hi! Uh i-i uh got something for you*pulls out box and gets in one knee*
Amy: *gasps* s-sonic?
Sonic: amy will you marry me? *opens box and there's a ring pop in it* just joking!
Amy: *turns dark* I'm gonna kill you!!!
Sonic: crap! I told you all this was a bad idea!!!! *runs away*
Amy: get back here! I'm gonna kill you!!! *gets out hammer*
Sonic: o sh*t not the hammer! *runs faster*

Shadow: hahahahahahaha!!!!omg! That's so funny!!!!
Other guys: *laughing there heads off*
Girls: *tapping there foot*
Boys: *stops laughing* what??
Girls: it means a lot to a girl to get proposed to! That was mean! *angry*
Shadow: its not our fault....
Twilight: *turns dark fire form* not your fault huh? Well let me show you what happens when you don't listen!
Shadow: o shiz! *chaos controls away*
Twilight: not so fast! *pulls out pink chaos emerald* chaos control!
Girls: well he's dead....
Guys: yep pretty much.
Girls: well let's make it even then... *chases guys*
Knuckles: crap! Run!!!!
Guys: *runs off*
Girls: were gonna kill you!!!!
Scourge: I'm too hot to die!!!
Manic: I'm too annoying to die!!!
Hero: w-wait don't hurt manic!
Manic: yeah! Don't hurt manic!
Girls: fine! But were still gonna kill the rest of you!
Cream: you are so dead tails!!!!
Everyone: O.O
cream: what he deserves it!
Everyone: O.O
cream: *annoyed* I'm just gonna go *fly's off* three seconds later kicks tails onto the ground.
Tails: *face plants* owww!
Cream: there you got what you deserved.....
Everyone: *laughs*
Well that's all for now ttyl my roses............chaos control!

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