shadow spend a day with twighlight

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amy: *reads message* hey guys we got a dare!!
knuckles: whos it for?
amy:its for shadow....
shadow:looks up at the sky..why me maria why me....
amy: dont worry shadow i think you willlik this one *smirks*
shadow: i doubt it...
sonic: okay so what is it?
amy: its from @sonamyfanlover and the dare is to spend a whole day with twighlight
twighlight: cool this will be fun...
shadow: no way i am not gonna go shopping and all that crap!
twighlight: dont worry shadow i dont like shopping that much anyway....
shadow: o good because i was ready to jump off a bridge and end it now.....
amy: *rolls eyes* drama king...
shadow: *grumbles*
knuckles: okay love birds go and enjoy a day together *pushes them out the door*
sticks: you think they will be okay?
amy: im sure there fine.....
sonic: lets go spy on them......
tails: great idea lets go...

with shadow and twighlight:
shadow: so what are we going to do first?
twighlight: well i fugure we can go shoppin-
shadow: where is the nearest bridge im just gonna end the misery now....*starts to walk off*
twighlight: o well i was gonna say o shopping forweppons but i guess he would rather jump off the bridg-
shadow: weppons!? okay ill come...lets go *goes to nearest weppons store*
twighlight: shadow what do you think of these katanas since my old ones are getting dull.... *looking at really fancy set of katanas*
shadow: they are really nice i think you should get them...
twighlight: okay..*pays for them and getts ready to leave*
shadow: buys some guns and knives* okay we can go now....
*gets in the car* so what do you want to do next?
twighlight: well we could go to the movies, i hear they came out with a new horror movie! *squeals excitedly*
shadow: *chuckles* then to the movies it is... *drives off*

with the sonic gang:
knuckles: they went and baught weppons??? i thought you girls liked clothes shopping...
amy: not twighlight she doesnt enjoy it as much as we do...
sonic: why is that???
amy: it has to do with her past....
sonic: oh...
sticks: should we follow them to the movies or head home?
knuckles: it will be late soon i think we should head home....
amy: i agree lets go back im sure they will be fin, and nothing much could happen that we would want to be here for anyway right?
sonic: yeah
all: *go home*

at the movies:
shadow: hey twighlight why dont you go save our seats? while i pay for the food and tickets...
twighlight: okay shady *kisses his cheek and walks to the movie room*
shadow: *blushes and smiles touching his cheek*..................*pays for the food and ticketsand heads to the movie room*

with twighlight:
twighlight: *sitts down and waits for shadow....
red hedgehog: *sees twighlight and smirks, while walking over to her* hey babe, whats your name?....
twighlight: *rolls eyes* the name is twighlight, now leave me alone....
red hedgehog: aww dont be like that *puts his fingers under her chin and mkes her look at him, she turns her head away* feisty aye?..... well i like feisty... *grabbs her arm and pulls her to him*
twighlight: *struggles* let me go you creep! *trying to get away...*
shadow: *comes in and sees twighlght struggleingagainst the guy* *growls and marches his way over* WHAT THE H*** DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!! *pulls twighlight away from the guy and death glares at him...* shes not up for grabs!...
red hedgehog: *glares but relises who shadow is* forget it... its not worth it*walks away*
shadow: twighlight are you ok?!?!? did he do anything to you???? *hugs her*
twighlight: no shadow he didnt do anything im fine, thank you for helping me.... *hugs back*
shadow: *sits down with twighlight and starts to watch the movie*...............................*throws popcorn at the red hedgehog from earlyer*
twighlight: *giggles* you are very ornry....
shadow: and i like to keep it that way.... *smirks*

after the movie:
shadow: its getting pretty late we should probly head back...
twighlight: yeah im getting tired *yawn*
shadow: *smiles* did you have fun tonight?
twighlight: definatly, thanks so much for everything....especially getting rid of that creep..
shadow: no problem.... *drives home*

when they get back:
sonic: so how did it go?? *smirks at shadow*
shadow: it went well besides a stupid idiot i had to get rid of....
sonic: dang... i knew we should have stayed and watched what would happen...
shadow: what do you mean by stayed????......................................were you guys spying on us???
sonic: i just remembered i have laundry to fold and bills to pay and a whole bunch more so i gott go like right now see ya..........*speeds off*
shadow: *growls* im gonna kill him...........

with twighlight now:
amy: so what happened how did it go??
twighlight: it was great i had a wonderful time besides that wirdo...
amy: who???
twighlight: o some hedgehog that decided to try and flirt with me, but shadow got rid of him...
amy: aww thats so cute, he saved you *making cute faces at her for fun*
twighlight: *rolls eyes* i could have handled it myself you know.......
amy: sure you could *sarcastic* anyway its late we should get to bed......
twighlight: yeah im ready to hit the hay..... *goes to bed*
amy: *goes to bed too*
thats all i have for now ttyl my roses :)

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