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zero: hey guys we have some dares!
everyone: cool what are they?
zero: okay first one is for the writer to pick 3 people to be silent the whole chapter and if they talk sonic gets to choos a punishment for them...
Ivy (me): yes! ok i choose......
sonic: choose thunder! she made amy kiss silver! *glares at thunder*
thunder: hey! it wasnt me that did it, my creator was the one who dared it...
sonic: well i still have to get revenge on someone!
amy: sonic revenge isnt right...
thunder: yeah!
sonic: *mumbles* stupid murals and crap....
Ivy: o shut up and let me choose already! before i erase you from this story for good! *glares at sonic*
sonic: okay, okay! *shuts up* i can tell your the one that created twighlight sheesh she acts just like you...
twighlight: hey! i take offence to that!
Ivy: well duh she acts like me shes my sonic boom counterpart....
shadow: cool so whos my counterpart in your world?
Ivy: well um, no one that i have met yet, i dont know if non o.cs really have counterparts, though i heard that amy is marias counterpart.
amy: i am?
shadow: she is!?
Ivy: as far as i know yes....
shadow: cool! *hugs amy*
sonic: *growles* let.go.of.my.girlfriend.faker! *evil voice*
amy: uh...shadow you might want to let go of me now...
shadow: why?
twighlight: cause sonics turning dark...
shadow: fine..here faker it was just a hug good greif! *lets go of amy*
sonic: *turns to normal* good now stay away!
Ivy: ookkkkayyyy thennn, any who i choose...hmmm who talks alot???? Jk jk :) i know i choose blaze, thunder since sonic will probly kill me or twighlight if i dont...sorry thunder :(, and shadow so that sonic and shadow cant fight.....
shadow: but i like fighting with the faker! *angry*
twighlight: your supposed to be quiet now.....
shadow: *huffs*
blaze: but i have to talk to my silvy! *hugs silver with a sad face*
amy: sorry blaze but the rules are the rules *pulls her off of silver and sitts her on the couch*
blaze: hmph!
thunder: i knew i would get the punishment for that dare.... *sitts down and doesnt talk*
Ivy: good now lets move on to some other dares....
nikki: can i read them?
Ivy: sure...besides i have to go now guys so twighlight will be me again...see ya *goes through portal back to human world*
nikki: okay, scourgy you wanna help me read some dares *smiles*
scourge: of couse babe *hugs her* okay the first dare is for amy it says that amy has to play a prank on sonic in his sleep..hehe
amy: awesome! *smirks evily* hehehe
everyone: O.O
cream: miss. amy are you feeling okay?
amy: hahaha!! never better!! *runs off to play a prank on sonic...*
cream: tails something is wrong with amy build a michine or something!! *shakes tails*
tails: cccrreeeaaamm sshheeesss ffiinnnee! *gets her to stop shakking him* whew im d-d-dizzyyyy *falls on floor*
cream: o no! tails are you okay!? *freaking out*
tails: *flat on his face hold up a hand and thumbs up* *mumbles* never better....

(with amy)
amy: hehe this is gonna be good! *has bucket of ice water*
sonic:*sleeping* ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
amy: *sneeks up to the side of the bed* awe he looks so cute when he sleeps.....*looks at him admiringly* too badi have to mess up his cute expression..o well *tipps bucket of water over on him and runs out the door*
sonic: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATER!!! HELP IM DROWNING SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around screaming* *looks down* o im not drowning..hehe...wait a second....WHO THE (H WORD) DID THIS!!!!!!! *runs out to look for the culprit*
amy: *sitting with the gang*
sonic: *runs in dripping with water and glares at everyone* who. did. this. to. me!
shadow: *trying not to laugh*
thunder: *holds hand over mouth so she wont talk*
blaze: *runs out of room so she wont laugh*
everyone else: *laugh histericly* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha!!!!
scourge: nice look faker!
sonic: *growles* im not a faker!
shadow: yes you are! oops! *putts hand over mouth*
sonic: yes you talked! now i get to choose a punishment! hahaha!!!
shadow: o crap...
everyone: *laughes again*
thunder: hahaha! o no! *tries to act like she didnt laugh*
sonic: i heard that thunder! *glares*
kiera: what are you gonna do as a punishment for them?
amy: yeah what?
thunder and shadow: since shadow kissed my amy, and thunder dared silver to kiss amy...............................................................YOU BOTH HAVE TO kISS EACHOTHER AS PUNISHMENT!
shadow and thunder: WHAT!?
amy: calm down twighlight im sure shadow still loves you...
twighlight: okay fine... *grumbles*
sonic: so get kissing you two! *pushes them together*
kiera: should we get a camera?
scourge and nikki: totaly....
tails: ill go get them *runs to get camera*
shadow: i am going to kill you faker! *glares* i hope my next dare is to kiss amy again and then ill get you back! actually i can just dare myself!
sonic: o no you dont! now kiss already...*impatient*
thunder and shadow: *blushes*
shadow: fine i guess...*blushing* *kisses thunder*
thunder: *kisses back*
twighlight: hmph!
blaze: what did i miss? oops! *covers mouth*
sonic: *smirks*
thunder and shadow: *stop kissing*
thunder: *blushing* um..i...uh..ill just go now...*goes to her room*
shadow: uh..o-okay...*blushing*
twighlight: *sniffs*
shadow: awe dont worry babe i still love you! *hugs her*
twighlight: awe thanks hon..*hugs back*
sonic: now what will blazes dare be?? *smirking evily* i know.....
blaze: *scared*
silver: nothing to crazy sonic or you be drowning in the ocean! *glares*
sonic: dont worry its not that bad......blaze has to..................................*smirks*..........................COOK ME CHILI DOGS!
blaze: thats it?
thunder: *runns out* hey how come me and shadow had to kiss and she gets to cook!
shadow: yeah faker!
sonic: *smirks* cause both of you made me mad... and blaze didnt do anything wrong....
thunder: *mumbles* it wasnt me that made the stupid dare.....
blaze: okay then ill go cook..*walks to kitchen*
sonic: yes! chili dogs!
kiera: howdoes he live only eating those things?
nikki: i have no idea...
amy: me neither....
olaf: bye! *waves*
everyone: O.O what the fruit loops is he doing here!?
olaf: hi im olaf and i like warm hugs *goes to hug amy and twighlight*
sonic and shadow: you touch them and ill melt you! * glares*
olaf: okay then..
cream: hes sooooo adorable! *hugs him*
olaf: *hugs back and sticks tounge out at tails*
tails: *jealous* grrrrrr....im gonna melt his little a-
kiera: quit talking so mean hes just visiting.... *haugs him too*
nikki: yeah... *joins in*
scourge: *growles* im gonna kill him.....
blaze: awe hes cute! *comes running in*
silver: i hate him....
guys: we all do... *growling*
blaze: *huggs him*
olaf: *melts* to...much...heat....
blaze: o no! i melted him!!
guys: YES!!!! *high fives*
thunder: well we will see ya later dont forget to ask and dare :)

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