treat the girls like royalty and a hug

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Amy: hey guys we have a dare!

everyone: what is it?

Amy: well the dare is that all of you boys have to treat us girls like royalty for a day, and shadow thunder_the_hedgehog wants a hug from you *smiles*

boys: *groan* do we have tooooo

girls: absolutely!

boys: grrr! fine!

shadow: I don't like hugs...but I guess I can give her one...

everyone: awe shadow has a soft side!

shadow: *growled* shut up!

thunder_the_hedgehog: I'm here *smiles*

shadow: *hugs her* there I gave you a hug happy?

everyone: awww!

shadow: *death glares*

everyone: *shuts up* sorry...

thunder_the_hedgehog: thanks *smiles* I've gotta go now *waves bye*

everyone: see ya! *waves*

kiera: okay then... time to be princesses...

Nikki and nicki-r: sure!

boys: *grumble*

twighlight and thunder: we don't want to be like princesses! we would rather be warriors!

blaze and Amy: o shush it! come on let's go and put on dresses while our servants *points to the boys* make us tea...

boys: *glare but go make tea anyway*

twighlight and thunder: noooooooo!!!!!!! anything but dresses and makeup! *gets dragged away* can't we go and train with our weppons or go gun shooting or sky dive or bungie jump or-

girls: *put duck tape over there mouths* just be quiet...

twighlight and thunder: *angry* hmmmph! mmmmph mmm! (were gonna kill you!)

girls: what's that? we can't hear you... maybe its the duck tape over your mouths *smirks*

twighlight and thunder: *grumble*

little while later:

girls: *come back all dressed up* solo how do we look?

boys: *staring* reallllyyyyy goooood...

girls: *blush*

twighlight and thunder: *grumble and cross arms* dumb dresses and girly crap....

shadow: *laughs* Haha you got twighlight in a dress!

Amy: *smirks* yep...

twighlight: *grumbles* whatever....

shadow: but you look should where dresses more often *winks*


everyone: yes twighlight.... *backs away*

twighlight: good now come on thunder were gonna go get out of these hideous dresses and into training suits *goes out the door*

thunder: hehe see ya later *goes out the door too*

girls: ugh! you know how long it took us to do their make up for nothing!

boys: what do you even bother with make up any way?

girls: cause was can't live without it... *glares evilly*

boys: *gulp* o-okay just don't kill us!

girls: okay *smiles* now get to work!

boys: *salutes and runs off* y-yes ma'am!

girls: *giggle* I love having someone else do the work for a change....
well that's all for now don't forget to ask and dare :) I will most likely be starting the second book soon so that this one won't have too many chapters :) so I will notify you when I do :)...........CHAOS CONTROL!

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