scourge kiss amy and...a new couple!?...maybe

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nicki-r is going to stand for Nicki rose our new character and Nikki is going to be for the first Nikki we had.

shadow: hey guys we got a says that scourge has to kiss Amy for 20 min. then sonic has to break up with Amy and scourge and Amy be a couple... hahaha!

sonic and Nikki: no way!

scourge: do I have to? I love Nikki and don't want to 'cheat' on her...

girls: awwwww how cute~ hey! why can you boys be like that? *glares at there boyfriends*

boys:* laugh nervously and gulp* ummm, cause were....normal...?

scourge: hey! I'm normal! your just all jerks *smirks *

boys: *growl* whatever...

nicki-r: so you gonna do the dare or what?

sonic: no more people are going to kiss my girl!!! your driving me nuts!!

scourge: I have an idea! *pushes Nikki and Amy into the switcheroo machine*

Amy: hey! what are you doing!?

Nikki: yeah what's the big idea?

sonic: you my friend are a genius!

scourge: I know *smirks and changes the girls into each others body's*

amy (Nikki): *walks out* wow I feel....weired...

scourge: *kisses Nikki (Amy) for 20 mins* there I kissed Amy but didn't kiss another girl...

everyone: oookkkkaaaayyyy then...

Nikki (Amy): o I get it so you still kissed me but not on my lips... good idea.

sonic: I'm still Angry *pouts*

Amy (Nikki): awe don't worry sonic at least she didn't have to really kiss him... *smiles*

scourge: *switches them back* there dare is over...

thunder: not so fast sonic still has to break up with Amy and scourge is to date her....

scourge, Nikki, Amy, and sonic: WHAT!?

nicki-r: yep

sonic, Amy, scourge, and Nikki: *faint*

everyone: O.O

blaze: um I think this dare is gonna have to be done...

kiera: yeah, I guess they couldn't handle it.

shadow: wimps..

twighlight: *smacks him upside the head* shadow the hedgehog I can't believe you would call them that!

silver: really you can't believe it?

twighlight: okay so I can believe it..but that gives you no excuse!

shadow: sorry butterfly... *acts innocent*

twighlight: *glares* don't butterfly me! and don't fake being innocent faker!

everyone: O.O ..burrrnnnneee.....

shadow: *growels* how dare you!

twighlight: no! how dare you!

tails: shadow you might want to quit fighting... *nervous*

shadow: and why would I do that! *glaring at twighlight*

twighlight: *starts to turn into fire form, glowing red mist goes around her and her black fur turns into a misty haze, her hot pink streaks turn a glowing misty florescent color, flames go around her, and her eyes glow blood red*

tails: t-that's why *takes cream and backs away*

everyone: *backs out the door*

nicki -r: I'm guessing this is also normal?

kiera: um its only happened once before so not really

blaze: he is in sooo much trouble...

twighlight: how dare you mock me!

shadow: *gulps* um...sorry *smiles*

twighlight: *smirks* twighlight darkness rosetta fire form disengage! *turns normal* I forgive you but be nicer for now on *smiles and walks off*

shadow: whew *wipes for head* I thought I was gonna die......but I have to admit she looks hot in her fire form *smirks*

twighlight: what was that! *angry*

shadow: *gups* n-nothing hehe...
well this is it I'm going to post the next chapter soon but don't forget to ask and dare ;).........CHAOS CONTROL!

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