someone has some explaining to do

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twighlight: hey guys we have some questions!!!!
everyone: *walks in* what is it???
twighlight: ok the questions are for sonic and shadow...and they say : to sonic and shadow will you ever quit fighting over amy??  and to sonic: why did you run away from amy in sonic x were you shy or something??
knuckles: ok do the first one sonic and shadow.....
sonic: no way im not gonna quit fighting for her shes mine! and as long as hes around i have to keep my guard up!
shadow: sonic its not like i could take her from you anyway im with my twighlight *smiles and hugs twighlight*
twighlight: awwww your too sweet~ *in a daze*
tails: ok so then why do you guys fight over her sometimes??
shadow: because he will assume im trying to take her so then we fight and start to yell other things that doesnt even have to do with her....its just a reason to fight..-_-
sticks: you guys need to get a life....*walks out*
knuckles: yeah like anyway next question...sonic why did you run away from amy?
amy: yeah why did you???? *looks at him*
sonic: *sweatdropps* well, i was afraid that if i slowed down enough to be with you that eggman would have an advantage by either taking you since i cared about you the most, or he would do something while i was distracted....i also was kinda....nervous....hehe *scratches head in nervousness*
twighlight: wait right there blue boy... then why in sonic underground and the other series did you like practicly date sally???
amy: yeah what about that sonic, he could have used sally against you just as well as me!
sonic: well yous see amy i liked sally that is true, but i loved you....she was just....a way for me to have an excuse to not be with that i wouldnt have to explain my fealings and stuff, since it was complicated...
amy: so your saying she was just a distraction, to make you not feel so bad??
sonic: yeah i guess....but dont tell her i said that!!! she might kill us or something...
twighlight: *wispers* now it makes sense he was just scared that if he let her get close to him he would have to go through the pain of loosing her....
shadow: *wispers* yeah i guess..........but he is still a coward...-_-
twighlight: *smacks him upside the head* your never gonna learn are you???
shadow: ouch! *rubbs head* nope...never gonna learn *smirks*
twighlight: *grumbles*
sonic: i havnt got to ask you this yet amy forgive me for running away all of those times?? *holds her hands*
amy: of course i will sonic, i couldnt stay mad at you for long *smiles and hugs him*
sonic: *hugs back and then kisses her*
knuckles: *takes pics* awe lover boy is so cute....*teasing sonic*
twighlight: this...*snif* is so *snif* romantic...*starts crying*
shadow: *bored* -_- yeah....romantic...bleh
tails: my brother finally grew up....*sarcastic*
sonic: *quits kissing* what was that! im older than you tails..... *annoyed*
tails: yeah but at least i told cream i liked her weeks no months before you told i grew up first! *smirks*
sonic: whatever tails.....*crosses arms and huffs*
amy: hey btw when is cream going to come to stay???
tails: she will be here any moment now.....*looks at watch* 321
cream: im here!! *comes through the door with her bags* hi amy and twighlight how have you been? *sitts bags down and goes to hug them*
twighlight: ive been good *hugs back*
amy: ive been great! *hugs her too*
cream: well thats good....but anyway guess what miss. amy and miss. twighlight....
twighlight and amy: what is it cream?
cream: IM GONNA BE STAYING FOR GOOD WITH YOU GUYS!!!! *jumping up and down excitedly*
tails: that was our surprise *puts his arm around cream*
amy: OMG!!!!!! are you two officially a couple!!?!?!?!?!
cream and tails: yep!
all the girls: *squealls and jumps around room* ahhhhh!!!! i cant belive it this is so cute congrats!!!
the boys: *cover ears* ouch!!!! good greif my ears are bleeding!!!
girls: hehe..sorry *sweatdrops* so now that your staying cream does that mean you will play the ask and dare with us???
cream: of course thats one of my favorite games!!!
everyone: *talking about the dares they had to do and the questions*
thats all for now, you can now ask and dare cream, im going to keep bringing in some of the old characters untill all of the main ones are ttyl for now my roses :)

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