operation: shadlight

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tails: hey sonic and amy come here!
amy: *comes from kitchen* what is it tails?
sonic: *runs in* im here what do you need?
tails: ok so you two have a dare it says: i dare sonic and amy to get shadow and twighlight together on a date.... its from @sonamyfanlover and sonamyloverr

sonic: awsome!! *smirks evily*
amy: this should be interesting.....*smiles evily*
tails: ok so how are you gonna get them to go on a date?
sonic: well we could set them up on a blind date together...
amy:great idea, but where will we have them go?
tails: i hear there is a new olive garden in town they could go out to eat and then watch the meteor shower tonight...
sonic: there is a meteor shower?
tails: yeah it starts at 8 just tell shadow that he is going on a date with a girl, to dress up nicely and then take her to see the meteor shower....
amy: thats sooo romantic~ *starry eyed look*
sonic: how about we make it a double date, except for we will be having our date while spying on them with cameras.... hehehe
amy: sounds good to me lets go... *goes to look for twighlight and get her all fancied up for shadow....*
sonic: *goes to get shadow*....

with twighlight and amy:
amy: hey twighlight!
twighylight: *chaos controls* yeah?
amy: *jumps* ahhh!..o its you ugh now i know why sonic does that....
twighlight: *rolls eyes* so what did ya want?
amy: o yeah...well we have a date for you to go to later so i came to make you look hot... *smirks*
twighlight: wait a date!!...with who?? and why, when,wher-
amy: just let me get you ready....you will see who it is when we get there....*grabs her arm and takes her to do her hair and make up*
twighlight: *gets yanked along by amy* .......fine...but it better not be some random wirdo.....
amy: o quit worrying youll like it......*puts on some make up and does hair*

about an hour later....
amy: aaannnndd......done!.....you look hot! hes gonna kiss ya the moment he sees you.....*gives her a mirror*
twighlight: i dont want some random creep kissi- wow i do look hot....*looks in mirror a little while*
amy: ok girl now you need to go and put on your dress *hands her the dress*
twighlight: *goes and puts on the dress and wlks back out* (she is whearing a tight black dress that goes to about mid thigh and has a silver flower design on the side, her make up is silver sparkly eyeshadow red lip stick, and a little blush, her hair is in a bun with a silver and black rose clip*
amy: now your ready to party!! lets go and meet your date!! *drags her out the door*

with shadow and sonic:
sonic: come on shad you have to go....
shadow: no way! im not gonna go out with some random chick!! what if twighlight sees me with her...it will either break twighlights heart or twighlight will break the girls neck or possibly both.... *laying on his bed with face in the pillow*
sonic: if i tell you who you date is will you go?
shadow: no, not unless its someone i actually want to hang out with.... *mumbling*
sonic: ok then since you dont want to go on a date with twighlight tonight i guess i can find her some random stranger to go with...*starts to walk out the door*
sonic: okay then shad you better hurry up and get ready before some stranger asks her out...*smirks*
shadow: ILL BREAK THERE NECK IF THEY ASK HER OUT! *runs around and gets ready*
sonic: there you look good enough now lets go and meet up with amy and twighlight...*both go out the door towards the resturant*

when they meet up...
sonic: there they are.... hi amy hi twighlight you ready?
twighlight: yep now will you please tell me who my date is?
shadow: *staring at her in a daze* shadows thought: so pretty...and hot.... *drooling a little*
sonic: hey shad...shads...SHADOW!! *smacks him*
shadow: owwww!! what the heck was that for!?!?! *gets ready to hit back*
amy: shadow dont fight he was just trying to get your attention....
shadow: whsatever lets go...*grabs twighlights hand and goes in resturant*
sonic and amy: lets just keep and eye on them for now...*hides in bushes*

shadow: you look really good twighlight.... *blushes a little*
twighlight: *blushes* t-thank you....
shadow: so what are you going to get?....*looks at menu*
twighlight: umm...i think ill probly get a chicken salad with a sweet tea.... what are you going to get?
shadow: i think a steak with mashed potatos and aside of fries with a dr. pepper
twighlight: *giggles* someones hungry...
shadow: hehehe yeah i guess so....
shadow and twighlight: *eats food and talks for a little while then gets ready to head out for the meteor shower*

*while walking down the street shadow notices a lot of other guys looking at twighlight and pulls her really close to him and glares at the men.... twighlights face goes tomato red....*

in the bushes:
amy: *giggles* her face is priceless *takes pictures*
sonic: yeah, i think shadow is jelly.... *also taking pictures*

shadlight: goes up to the top of the hill and sits down to watch the stars and the meteor shower*
twighlight: the stars are so beautiful....*looking up at the sky while laying in shadows arms*
shadow: yes you are...*face goes red* i mean y-yeah they are nice looking....*sweatdrops*
twighlight: *giggles* your too cute when you blush... *elbows him gently*
shadow: o shush you *elbows her back acidentally a little too hard*
twighlight: *falls down hill* woah!!
shadow: twighlight! *grabs her hand but gets pulled down too*
twighlight: *rolls to the bottom and lands with shadow on top* *decides to pretend to have died*
shadow: ouch... *looks up and rubs his head* you ok twighlight?.......
shadow: twioghlight!?!?!.....*getts up quickly and holds his ear to her chest to see if shes breathing*...o god...o god.... i killed her!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! *starts tearing up and hugs her* im so sorry twighlight i didnt mean to push you down the hill like and idiot!!........i n-never *sniffle* got to ask you to be my girlfriend *sniffle* i-im so sorry....
twighlight: *giggles*......you really were gonna ask me to be your girl friend?
shadow: OMG your ok!!!!!!! i thought i killed you....WAIT!!!! YOU HEARD ALL THAT!?!?!?!
twighlight: every word *giggles more*
shadow: *pales up* o god.....well since you heard me say it....twighlight would you be my girl??? *nervous*
twighlight: *pretends to think making him more nervous* well.......alright if you insist...*hugs him and then kisses him*
of course i will be your girlfriend shadow why on earth wouldnt i.....
shadow: im so happy *actually smiles for once and then kisses her again*
shadlight: watches the meteor shower in eachothers arms..... i love you shadow.....i love you too twighlight...

amy: O GOD *crying* its so *sniffle* romantic and *sniffle* cute......
sonic: *sheds one tear* yeah i agree....its getting late lets go home....*acidentally trips over tree root when getting up*

shadow: did you hear that?* getts up and walks over to bush*
twighlight: yeah i did what is it *getts up too*
shadow and twighlight: *hears wispering* opens bush...
shadow: *turns dark* SONIC!!! WERE YOU SPYING ON US!?!?! *glares evilly*
twighlight: *turns into fire form* AMY ROSE YOU WERE SPYING TOO!!!!! *growls*
sonic; um no we were just looking....looking for ummm.....DIRT...we were looking for dirt... *smiles nervously and slowly backs away*
amy: yeah um dirt...hehe *also starts backing away* but we have enough now so were gonna go! seeya!! *runs off with sonic*
shadow: *about to go kill sonic untill twighlight stopps him*
twighlight: we will get them back later...for now lets just finish watching the stars....
shadow: *calms down* ok.........
shadlight: *goes and watches stars for the rest of the night*
thats all for now dont forget to ask or dare :)

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