Just a few dares

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blaze: hey guys we got some dares.
sonic: cool what are they?
blaze: well there is one for shadow and amy here-
sonic: if they have to kiss ill kill the shadow and then ill kill the person that wrote it!
blaze: calm down sonic they dont have to kiss dont worry...
amy: so whats the dare?
shadow: better be good...-_-
nikki: awe poor little grumpy hedgehog....
shadow: seriosly? *frusterated* ugh...-_-
twighlight: dont worry nikki hes always like that....
nikki: o i see.....
kiera: alright so tell us the dare already!
blaze: okay okay im going im going....*reads dare* haha ok so the dare is that shadow has to do a handstand while holding amy...
shadow: what?
amy: he will drop me! im not doing that! no way!
shadow: i wont drop you amy but do we have to?
thunder: its a dare you have to do it, sorry....*pushes them into the middle of the living room*
sonic: be carful with her shadow! *glares*
twighlight: just dont kill eachother...
shadow: well be fine come here amy...*picks her up*
amy: your not gonna drop me right?
shadow: im not going to drop you dont worry, hold on
amy: *holds on and closes eyes*
shadow and amy: *do handstand*
everyone: O.O cool!
tails: woah they actually did it! thats like against the laws of gravity ive got to study how they did it...DONT MOVE SHADOW AND AMY I NEED TO WRITE UP NOTES!!!!
shadow: i cant stay here all day you know!
amy: yeah and i dont want to fall from this height *standing on top of his feet*
tails: *writing notes and studys angles* just a second...
cream: tails they cant stay there forever....
shadow: im getting tired tails! can you get done now! *growles*
tails: just a second!
amy: TAILS!! *wobbling*
shadow: okay we need to be done now *gets out of handstand just as amy falls, and catches her*
amy: ahhh! *gets caught by shadow* woah! thanks shadow...
shadow: no problem amy *sits her down*
tails: awww i didnt get all of my notes done! *sad*
sonic: tails they couldnt stay there all day you know....
kiera: that was pretty cool though...
knuckles: yeah how did you guys stay like that so long?
shadow: im the ultimate life form that was nothing.....
amy: and i train in gymnastics all the time so balance isnt a problem...
scourge: cool!
nikki: awesome! hey btw did anyone get a picture of that?
shadow: better not have!
amy: yeah! *glares*
sticks: I DID!! *hold up camera all happy the sees amy and shadow* o crap...
shadow: *death glares*
amy: *makes hammer appear* hand it here or ill play whack a badger on you!
sticks: *gulps* n-no way! *runs out door*
amy and shadow: get back here coward!!! *chases after her*.....................
kiera: so.....what now?
blaze: well we have a few more dares here.....someone go get shadow and amy for me we will need them for the dares....
scourge and manic: well get them! *runs out door* *comes back* got them..
amy and shadow: we wanted to get revenge let us go! *crosses arms and huffs*
scourge: sorry amy no can do....
manic: no way shadow...
sonic: okay now give me amy, shes mine your not allowed to touch her scourge
scourge: fine fine you dont gotta be so protective of her sonic besides i like someone else....*glances at nikki*
nikki: *blushes*
girls: awwwww
boys: wait what? i dont get it.....
blaze: *rolls eyes* anyway.....here is the next dare, it says i dare knuckles to kiss amy-
sonic: NO WAY!!! *grabbs amy and pushes knucles to the other side of the room* you will not touch her...*evil voice*
amy: O.O
thunder: quit interupting! blaze still had more to say! *death glares sonic*
sonic: okay fine ill be quiet...
blaze: okay.....so she HAS to kiss back for at least a minute and sonic your not allowed to attack him no mater what or shadow gets to beat you up.....hehe
knuckles: cool *smirks at sonic*
amy: sonic its dare we have to, besides you now i only love you...
shadow:come on faker let her go *pulls amy away from sonics grasp and pushes her to knuckles*
sonic: *growles and pulls her back* NO FREAKING WAY!
shadow: or am i gonna have to knock you out and then he can kiss her as long as he wants....
sonic: what!?!?!? no!!!!..........fine but only one minut and then i can beat him up right?
blaze: yep...now let her go..
kiera: ive got the cameras *hands them around secretly*
scourge: this will be good..hehe
sonic: fine here knuckles *lets go of amy* but if you do anything alse ill kill you *glares*
knuckles: dont worry sonic its just a kiss....
amy: whatever lets just get this over with *annoyed*
sonic:*trying to stay still*
manic: sonics gonna die before this is over....
scourge: agreed....
sonic: i seriosly hat this stuff i mean shes MY girlfriend, and this is outragios shes been kissed by now 2 other guys than me all because of dumb dares! whos next silver!?!
silver: *eyes go wide and blushes*
blaze: *slaps his arm*
knuckles: lets just get it done already...*pulls amy over and kisses her*
amy: *surprised but kisses back for the dare*
sonic: *eye twitching* i cant do this no more!!! *gets ready to get up and get amy back*
shadow: *holds sonic back* woah sonic calm down its not like there kissing with tounge or anything.....well at least i dont think they are..*smirks knowing sonic will get even more mad*
sonic: *eyes go wide* WHAT!?!?!?! NO WAY!!LET ME GO SHADOW!!!!
shadow: sorry sonic not untill the dare is done...
silver: and 60 seconds you can stop now....
amy and knuckles: *quit kissing*
sonic: *gets up quickly grabs amy punches knuckles* M.I.N.E. EXCLAMATION POINT! *Talking in evil voice again*
amy: sonic calm dow- *gets inturupted by sonic kissing her*
sonic: *kisses amy and then pulls back* \
everyone: O.O
amy: what was that for!?
sonic: just taking back whats mine....*smirks at knuckles*
knuckles: yeah whatever......i bet im a better kisser though..*smirks*
twighlight: i should probly get amy out of this situation...*goes to get amy*
thunder: this is gonna be interesting...*gets popcorn again*
scourge: *get popcorn and video camera* i want to be able to watch this later...hehehe
nikki: *sits beside scourge* might as well watch i guess....
kiera: why not *sits down too*
sonic: no way im better!
knuckles: uhah im better for sure!
shadow: o shut up you two we all know im better then both of you fakers!
amy: *scared*
twighlight: grabs amy quickly and chaos controls away*
sonic: o yeah! well then why dont we just ask amy!
knuckles: yeah! whos better amy?
shadow: yeah who? *looks to see amy gone* um amy?
sonic: hey where did she go?
knuckles: idk
sonic: whever but im still gonna kill you for kissing her! *jumps at him*
knuckles: *gets tackled by sonic* calm down man it was just a dare!
shadow: *shrugs* well the dare did say if you beat him up i get to beat you up so why not *jumps in and starts fighting too*
cream: so.much.voilence! *covers eyes*
tails: there gonna die..
cream: WHAT!?!?
tails; not literally cream
cream: o ok....
scourge: *videoing while sneaking his arm around nikki*
nikki: *blushes but scootches closer*
scourge: *smirks*
kiera: this is just to funny *watching the three fight*
thunder: ikr!
silver: wow
blaze: if they dont quit soon im gonna light them on fire!
everyone: O.O
sonic, shadow, and knuckles: *quit fighting* well listen *smiles big and slowly scootch out door*
blaze: *smirks* and thats how you get it done....
thats all for now my roses :) dont forget to ask and dare :)

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