sonic ask amy out

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knuckles: *looks at laptop and then laughs * hey sonic!!!
Sonic: what's up?
Knuckles: well we have another dare from sonamyfanlover the dare is that you have to ask Amy out on a date and kiss her at sunset....
Sonic: yes!!
Knuckles: O.O
Sonic: I-i mean ugh r-really?? *sweatdrops* hehe
Knuckles: whatever dude...
Shadow: what's up.
Knuckles: sonic has to ask Amy out
Sticks: really?
Sonic: how are you guys just coming out if no where?!?
Twighlight: I told you it's chaos control...
Tails: and I built a telaporter for this of us that can't use the. Chaos powers
Everyone: cool!!
Twighligh: alright sonic go get your girl! *pushes him*
Sonic: OK I'll go ask her out *runs out door*
Shadow: his girl i thought they werent dating yet...
Sticks: ooooo....O.O is someone....getting jealous??? Hmmmm????
Shadow: of course just wondering why everyone thinks they are automativly a couple...
Tails: whatever.... Let's go spy on them!
Knuckles: yeah hurry let's go!
The gang: * hides behind bush*
Sonic: *takes in deep breath and knocks on the door* you can do it you can do it sonic *talking to himself*
Amy: *opens door* o hi sonic what brings you here?
Sonic: was wondering ifyouwouldwanttomaybegoonadatewithmeattheclifftowatchthesunsetandstuffifnotthatsok-
Amy: *giggles* sonic slow please say that just a bit slower for me please..
Sonic: o sorry he he *sweatdrops* well I was wondering if you would like to come to the cliff to watch the sunset with me?
Amy: of course I would! Just give me a moment to put on a nicer outfit... * runs upstairs *
Sonic: yes! She said yes! *smiling big*
Sticks: awwww
Twighlight: this is sooooo cute!
Knuckles: not to bad.....not to bad
Shadow: -_-
Tails: what's wrong with him? * points to shadow *
Sticks: he's just jealous cause he's not Amy's first date...
Shadow: *growles* I am not jealous that i dont get her. im jealous because i wont be the first one to ask a girl on a date from the group!! and for your information I love someone else!
Twighlight: you love someone else?
Shadow: um...y-yeah i yeah... *looks back to sonic and Amy*
Tails: hey there they go on there date... Let's follow them some more....
sonamy: *sitting on the edge of the cliff*
Amy: this is so beautiful! *looking at sunset*
Sonic: not as beautiful as you *blushing*
Amy: awww that so sweet *blushes*
sonamy: looks in eachothers eyes and leen closer

sticks: there gonna kiss!!!
twighlight: any moment now...
shadow: come on man just do it....
tails: my brother is in cute...
knuckles: there gonna make some kids...
everyone: O.O *facepalms*
knuckles: what?

sonamy: *closes eyes and kisses*..........................*quits kissing and looks at sunset*
sonic: *sneakly grabs her hand pretending to not be looking*
amy: * giggles and leans on his shoulder*
sonic: a-amy i-i love y-you...
amy: *looks up* r-really??
sonic: yes amy i really do, its ok if you dont like me bac-
amy: no sonic, i love you too! *blushes more and smiles*
sonic: amy will you be my girlfriend? *nervously looks down*
amy: of course i will! *hugs and kisses him*

the sonic gang: romantic *sniffle*
thats all for now dont forget to ask and dare in the comments :)
everyone: see ya!

Ask and dare sonic characters and OCsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang