cream is a mom for a day...

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thunder: hey guys we got a dare!
shadow: what is it? *looks at screen*
thunder: its for cream...
blaze: cool..
kiera: whats the dare?
thunder: okay its a good one-
cream: okay whats my dare?
thunder: you have to pretend to be a mom for the gang for a whole day...
cream: *jumps up and down* yay! i always wanted to be a mom, and you know what this means.....
amy: no what?
cream: tails gets to be my husband (since hes my boyfriend) and you all have to listen to me!
tails: *blushes*
girls: awwwww thats so cute! *squeals*
boys: *cover ears again* owwww!!!
girls: sorry *shy*
sonic: eh alright we forgive ya....
cream: okay now kids get to work!
sonic: no
cream: what did you say!?
sonic: i said no, im not gonna work..
cream: you have to listen...
sonic: you know technickly 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of kids dont listen....-_-
thunder: i agree im not gonna work either
scourge: me neither
manic: no way
shadow: i dont listen ever anyway...
knuckles: forget it...
silver: yeah...
sticks: yep not working.....
cream: yeah well did you know that 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% of kids in my home get punished when they dont listen! *glares*
everyone: *gulps*
twighlight: who knew kids could be so mean....
knuckles: im working im working *starts scrubbing really fast*
scourge: ill clean the windows!! *runs off really fast*
sticks: ill go get a snail to play with.... *runs out door*
everyone: O.O ok....
cream: good now that everyones working im gonna read a book *sits down*
tails: *sits beside her* so you havin-
cream: you need to take out the trash, clean the driveway, mow the lawn, and feed the dogs... *hands him a 'honey do list'*
tails: we dont even have a driveway, or dogs...
cream: well go and get some then!
tails: *jumps up* im going im going! *mumbles running out door* shes like havin mood swings or something...
nikki: can we be done yet? im getting tired....
scourge: yeah im ready to go to sleep.....
kiera: totaly...
amy: for sure....
thunder: so...tired.........
sonic: i could go all day long! *runs around*
cream: o good since you all have so much energy you can go and do some comunity service...
everyone: WE ARE GONNA KILL YOU SONIC!!!!!!!!
sonic: sorry..hehe
shadow: alright whats the punishment if we dont listen?
cream: you have to clean the toilets at mehburger to be nice....
everyone: ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! *runs out door to do comunity service*

(hours later)
everyone but tails: *comes in and falls ontop of eachother asleep....
cream: awww my babies are all tired out...*looks at them cutely*
everyone but tails: *asleep*
cream: time to call it a night *goes to bed*

(in the morning)
everyone: *wakes up*
sonic: hey has anyone seen tails?
twighlight: not that i know of....
amy: cream gave him a 'honey do list' last night but thats the last i saw him....
cream: *comes down stairs* sorry for giving you so many chores guys the power kinda got to my head....
everyone: thats okay *smiles*
tails: *crawls in on floor with crumpled paper in hand* i....finished....the list....*falls asleep*
everyone: O.O
cream: o my god! look what i did! *takes tails and leys him on couch* dont worry ill make it up to all of you! *runs around house getting things*

amy: thans cream but im not tired any-
cream: go to sleep and rest ill go get you something to eat *dashes off*
sonic: wait cream im not sick i dont need to dri- *forced to drink medicine*
cream: its good for ya so just drink it! *runs off*
shadow: cream wait i dont need a bath-*gets pushed in tub* *soaking wet* cold!
cream: cold water cleans your fur better so quit complaining and take a bubble bath *pours lavender smelling bubble bath over his head*
shadow: cream no not lavender ill smell like a girl! *gets it poured on him* ugh
cream: *runs off again*
silver: woah slow down i dont need this many blankets! *covered in like 15 blankets*
cream: you dont wanna catch a cold! *runs off*
blaze: this is nice hon but i dont need to have all this food....*has a table of food infront of her*
cream: itl put some mean on your bones so eat up! *runs* and dont forget to eat your vedgies!
blaze: eww vedgies...i like fish way better.
twighlight: um cream i dont want to watch a movie...
cream: o come on just watch one....*puts in movie*
twighlight: wait i dont want to watch dora the explorer-
cream: you gotta learn you spanish somewhere..*runs*
kiera: cream you reall dont need to make me this many drinks you know....* has like 50 drinks infront of her*
cream: gotta keep hydrated....*runs*
nikki: cream i dont need you to get scourge to like me, i think he already does you dont gotta make a master plan and all that...
cream: fine then ill go ask him myself *runs off* *comes back* he says he doesnt like you....
nikki: what? *sad voice*
cream: he says he LOVES you!!!!!!
nikki: yay! i knew it! thanks cream! *hugs her*
cream: your welcome *runs off*
sticks: thanks for fixing my robo apocolips maqchine cream...
cream: no prob bob! *runs off*
sticks: bob? maybe shes one of them!
knuckles: um cream i dont need to relax on the couch i need to train...
cream: just relax ill go get some tea..*runs off* *comes bac with tea* here ya go *hand him the tea* see ya*runs*

(rouge comes in a little while later to visit)
rouge: *sees amy sleeping on the couch surrounded by food and blankets, sticks: running around yelling about cream being a robot, nikki with hearts in her eyes and daydreaming, knuckles sitting oin the couch with tea cups everywhere, kiera with drinks all around her, twighlight with red eyes stuck watching a movie, blaze eating....vedgies, silver sweating to death in blankets, sonic looking greenish in the face with medicin bottles everywhere, shadow coming down the steps smelling like lavender, tails with all kinds of things around him and scourge, manic, and sonia running after cream trying to stop her from getting more stuff....* WOW...IM JUST GONNA LEAVE NOW.....*slowly stepps out door*
thats all for now but dont forget to ask and dare :)

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