Our Baby

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Dan's POV:

I shook my head at the doctor as Chris held tightly to my hand for moral support. "No no no no. That can't be right. It can't be."
The doctor laid a shaky hand on my shoulder. I felt the tears I had been trying to hold back slip down my cheeks.
"Daniel, I'm so sorry, but we've done every scan in the hospital. It's true," The doctor said, her blue eyes glowing.

I sat on the couch in my lounge with Chris at my side. I cried and cried for hours. He held me for all of these hours, taking only one bathroom break. After all of this silence, Chris spoke. "Are you going to tell him?" I nodded, knowing that he was talking about Phil. "I have to," was my only response. That is all we could say before I heard his car drive up outside. Chris stood and kissed my forehead, in a best friend way, and left the apartment. I had spent all of my hours in tears thinking of what to say to him.
The door opened to reveal a tall, muscular figure. "How's my little baby boy doing," he asked with a big smile, setting down his coat. I couldn't look him in the eye so I looked at the floor to hide my tears.
"Michael. We have to talk."
I looked at his face when he sat down next to me. "Ok," he responded, fear in his voice as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. I took a deep breath. "First, I want you to hug me and kiss my cheek." Michael wrapped his arms around me and pressed his cold lips to my tear stained cheek. His lips had once been full of love and happiness, now they were just plain and cold. His eyes didn't shine with the same lust as they once had. I think we both knew that we were trying to hold on to this love too hard. It's almost as if we weren't even trying to hold onto the love. As if we were trying to hold onto the memories of what our love had once been or what it could have been.
"Ok, now tell me you love me," I whispered.
He did as I said. "Danny, what is this about," Michael asked me after he told me that he loved me. I listened closely to the way he said "I love you". It rang in my ears and burned a small place into my brain. He didn't mean it. He meant it five months ago when we first started dating, but now, it lost its meaning.

"Michael. I'm pregnant."
I forced myself to look into his green eyes. At first there was nothing, but it didn't last for long. Angry surged through his veins and showed in his eyes. "Get out. Get out you lying, cheating slut. I don't ever want to see your face here again. Get your stuff and get the fuck out." He didn't yell his words, which I was grateful for. I went to our, I mean, his bedroom and grabbed my backpack of all my stuff, that I had packed before hand. I opened it to make sure I hadn't forgot anything. Laptop, my few clothes, socks, phone, charger, headphones, wallet, and my dignity. I slung it over my shoulder and went back to the lounge. I walked over to the door and looked at Michael who was now standing next to me. "I guess this is goodbye," I whispered. He nodded and asked, "Where are you going to stay?" I shrugged. He bite his lip. "I'm sorry to do this Dan, but I can't be a father and especially if I'm not even the real father. Besides, I really don't want a kid. Now get out of here," he said, his voice, sad and angry with betrayal. I took off walked down the sidewalk, and didn't take one look back.

I walked up to the door of Phil's apartment. I breathed in and out and hit my knuckles gently on the door three times. I heard footsteps on the other side grow closer. The doorknob turned slowly and there was Phil. I seemed to relax when I saw him.
"Hi Dan! What's up?"
I looked him in the eye. His beautiful sea eyes. "Oh my god, you're crying! What happened," he said, practically pulling me into the apartment and sitting me on the couch. I looked at my hands. "Dan. What happened?"
I took a deep breath. "Michael kicked me out."
"Why the hell would he do that?!" Phil took hold of both of my hands. I saw tears welling behind his eyes, making them twinkle. He cares so much about me. It was a right choice coming here.
"Because I'm.... pregnant."
Phil was silent for a while before he smiled.
"Dan. That's amazing. But why would he kick you out?"
"Because he's not the father."
Phil gasped. "Who is?"
Phil froze. I gently laid our hands down. His face was serious and I could see the memory flash in his eyes.

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