Baby Don't Cut

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Dan's POV:

I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom. My bed felt as hard as a rock against my back and my head hurt so bad. It wasn't necessarily hurting with pain but with the voices. Oh, the voices. They haunt my dreams and all of my thoughts. They were evil. They chased away all of my happy thoughts and replaced them.

And then there was the itch. The itch that burned from my finger tips to my shoulders and would sometimes, such as right now, spread throughout my entire body. It was the worst at my wrists. It burned like a ragging fire yet was numb and cold as a block of ice. And it wasn't the kind of itch you couldn't just scratch away.

You had to cut it away.

I tried to sit up in my bed. The blood rushed from my head and I felt even more weak than before. I slowly stood and walked over to my bedside drawer. I opened it and grabbed my blade that was hidden under a bunch of random crap. I ran my finger along the shiny side and then along the sharp part. It made a small cut at the slightest bit contact and a drop of blood came up from the opening. Perfect. I sat on the edge of my bed and held it over my right wrist. And before you say anything, I did actually try to stop myself. I tried to 'count my blessings' as my private doctor had advised me. Yet, everytime I found something, the voices would be there right behind it, ready to taint it with it's evilness.

Your mum and dad love you.
Yes, but they'll die one day.

You have a home and food in your stomach.
What good is food and a home to a dead man?

You have a roommate who cares and is always there for you.
But he's not here for you now.

A tear slipped out of my eye and collided with a stream of red that fell from my wrist, down my shaking arm.

Phil's POV:

I was walking down the sidewalk back to mine and Dan's flat. I had go to the shop and pick up some milk. I decided to call Dan and see if he was ok and if he needed anything else from town.


Just then the other line picked up and before I could say anything, I heard crying. I was about to say something, but then I heard Dan speak. He was mumbling and I couldn't make out anything except for his crying. "Dan," I asked. I got no response. I tried again. Nothing. I realized he must have answered my phone call without knowing it. I listened closer to him. I heard his inaudible voice shake for a minute and he let out a slight whimper and then a small scream. Then there was harder crying. I knew something wasn't right.
I took off running down the sidewalk, pushing past everyone in my way. I flew up the stairs and unlocked the door. I tossed the bag of milk onto the sofa and ran to Dan's room.

 The door was wide open and there in the corner was Dan with his head on his knees and his arms around his legs which were hugged to his chest. I stepped forward and heard a weird noise under my shoe. I looked down and moved my foot. There it was. A small silver blade. And there was a little blood on it. I looked back at Dan. I looked a little closer and saw the blood that lay scattered across the floor, leading to Dan. I ran to his side. He gasped alittle and looked at me when I sat down next to him. A mixture of anger, sadness, a pleading for help, and gratefulness burned behind his eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks. I lifted my hand and wiped them away. I hugged him as he cried even more, his head on my chest. I ran a hand through his hair.
"Nobody seems to get you. You feel you're on your own," I sang quietly to him. "But listen pretty baby. You don't have to be alone."
I felt Dan turn to look up at me. I stared at the open door, not looking him in the eye.
"So baby don't cut. Baby don't cut. You can so anything just promise baby you won't cut," I continued as I felt my own tears forming behind my bluish greenish eyes.
"I know your heart is hurting. You think the road has end. You may just feel that blade your holding is your only friend." My voice cracked alittle, but Dan couldn't hear it. I looked down at him finally. He had a small smile on his face. I ran my hand across his cheek and held his chin.
"But baby don't cut. Baby don't cut. You can do anything just promise baby you won't cut."
I pulled his face to mine, connecting our lips. I pulled away and grabbed his arm gently. I looked at the cuts. They were deep. Very deep. Blood still covered the surfaces of the slices. I pulled off my white shirt and placed it on his arm, soaking up the left over blood.
Once the blood stopped, I looked at them closer. I kissed each one of them and then looked at Dan. He curled up against my chest, hugging his arms to his chest. I kissed his hair and he pulled away alittle to kiss me again. He placed his ear over my heart again and whispered,

 "I promise."

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