What Is Love?

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This is going to be a very very long one so grab the popcorn.  XD

Dan's POV:

The woman's piercing scream rang in my ears. I silenced her with one quick bite. The warm blood flooded onto my tongue and some went down my chin. I dropped her limp body onto the pavement of the ally. I wiped away the blood from my face and looked around. No one was around. I grabbed her wrists and began to drag her body down the pavement. I had to get rid of the body. I didn't need any trouble with the police. I learned that the last time. Once I reached the park, I disposed of the body in the lake, tying huge rocks to her limbs and throwing her in the deepest end. I then started my long journey back to my apartment.

It was hard being the only vampire in the UK. I only came out at night, not because of the old 'burns in the sunlight' myth that humans have developed, but to feed. Sure, I always have to wear just a little sunscreen in daylight but that's all. It wasn't fun being like this. I have no friends or family. The only people I see are my prey. I didn't want to kill the girl, but I had to. Out of instinct. As it's said in the Vampire Book that was passed down from my mum to me, "Those who give you the feeling of hunger or fear shall be slayed and consumed. They are not your friends. If you do not wish to kill one human, that is acceptable. You may choose your prey. Just be wary of those you choose to save and those you choose to kill."

As I was walking I heard screaming ahead and quickly hid in an ally way. I heard more screaming and looked around the corner. A beam of light came from an open door. Just then, a guy, maybe a few years older than me, was thrown out of the door. He hit his head hard on a bin. I heard a girl yelling at him. The door shut and the boy sat there, crying. He had black hair and was very thin and pale with some black glasses that had a crack in one of the lenses. He almost looked like a vampire like me but his scent gave him away as being human. He smelled different. He smelled... good. Not like food good, but just sweet. I moved closer to see if I could pick up his feeling that he gave off, whether it was a feeling of hunger and fear or something else. I tilted my head in confusion. He gave me no feeling.

I moved closer.





He opened his eyes and gazed weakly up at me. A feeling I've never felt before shot through me. It felt... weird. His eyes were sparkly blue with a little green and yellow here and there. My heart picked up the pace. (Yes I have a heart) It made me feel warm and tingly on the inside. His eyes closed and I went closer. My heart beat faster. He had blood on his cheek. For once, I felt, oh what would it be called, "sorry" for a human. I sighed and picked him up in my arms and began to carry him back to my apartment. He needed help. I wasn't going to let him die on a pavement. I would never forgive myself. Besides, I wanted to find out more about this feeling I got with him.

Phil's POV:

"You know what? Get out. GET OUT!" Alexis threw her empty glass cup at me, nailing me in the cheek. The cup busted into millions of pieces. I grabbed my cheek in pain and then I felt her fist crack me across my other cheek. And then a kick in the gut. "Alex..." I whimpered, hitting the floor, right on top of broken glass. I felt the sharp pain in my knees and hands.

"Shut up! Why didn't you just tell me instead of, of..... USING me for one of your experiments?! I'm not a guinea pig!" She kicked me again. I fell onto my stomach on the broken glass. I screamed in pain. She then somehow dragged me across the room and, literally, threw me out the door. I crashed into a metal trash bin, hitting my head hard. "And stay out you gay piece of trash! Go back under whatever rock you crawled out from under you rotten piece of scum!" I had my eyes shut and all I heard was the sound of a slamming door and I could see the light disappear from behind my eyelids. Tears coated my cheeks. I wasn't going back to her again. No, not this time. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain struck the inside of my head. I let my head fall back and bang against the trash bin behind me. I opened my eyes. There in front of me was a tall figure, engulfed in the shadows. My eyes fell shut as I winced, preparing for another hit. Instead, I felt myself being picked up off the pavement. I wanted to open my eyes. I forced them open and looked up. I caught sight of pale chin and some brown fringe before my vision went completely black and my head gave up on me.

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