Morning Sunshine.

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Dan's POV:

Mornings were never my specialty. I never woke up. I just laid there and wished for the night to go on longer, but it never did. So I would just lay there, waiting until I thought I was ready to start the day. Not anymore.

My normally cold, empty room was filled with love and warmth. I opened my eyes to see the cutie sleeping beside me. I ran my hand across his cheek. He opened an eye and looked at me. He grinned when he saw me looking at him. "Morning Sunshine," he muttered. "Morning." Phil flipped over to face me. "I love you," he said with his husky morning voice.

"I love you more," I smiled back.

"I love you most."

"No, I love you most."

Phil rolled his eyes and curled up next to my bare chest. "How's my little lion this morning?" I asked as I felt his warm breath on my chest. "I'm good. How's my bear?"

"A lot better now that you're here in my life," I whispered, drawing circles on his back. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "Same here. Are you hungry?"

"You bet. You know what I want?"

"Delia Smith pancakes?"

"You know me so well."

We got up and went to the kitchen. I got out all of the ingredients and started cooking. As Phil held the pan over the hot oven, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. He flipped the pan with little effort. I got down the sugar and honey. He made a plate full of pancakes. I added lots of sugar and honey and set it down on the table. I sat on Phil's lap. I cut off a piece of the pancake with a fork and turned around to where my legs were around him and he held my thighs. I placed the sugary goodness in his mouth. He chewed and swallow. He licked his lips afterward and kissed me. He tasted like honey. I pulled back and got another fork of pancake and placed it in my mouth. I quickly leaned back into a kiss without chewing. I passed the pancake from my mouth to Phil's. He pulled back to chew and shallow. "Mmmm, tastes better like that," he said, grabbed the fork from my hand and getting a piece of pancake and placing it in his mouth. He pulled me into a kiss and passed me the piece of pancake. I pulled back, chewed and swallowed. "That does taste good," I said licking my lips and taking hold of the fork. "I bet you taste even better," Phil said, with a seductive growl. I blushed and bopped his nose gently with the sticky fork before setting it down on the table. He wiggled his nose and I laughed. I leaned in and licked the sticky honey away. I pressed my lips against his. Phil moved his hands from my thighs to my bum. He squeezed, making me gasp into the kiss. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. His mouth tasted like honey, pancake, and sugar. I placed my hands on his neck, pulling him closer. I was going to take off Phil's shirt, but I heard something.

"And this, lady's and gentlemen, is what mornings are like living with Dan and Phil."

Phil and I snapped our heads around to see Pj, our best friend and temporary roommate. He pointed to the counter. We looked over and saw a camera hidden under a stack of papers. My mouth hung open as I looked back at Pj. Phil laughed and grabbed another fork of pancake and eating it. I leaned back in for another kiss.

"Ok, it's starting to get sick, guys," Pj said with a disgusted look.

"Hey, don't act like you don't want to do this with Chris," I said with a big smile.

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