Let's Try Something New Tonight...

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Big Smutt Warning.
Ps: remember that I type almost all of these one shots on my phone and convert them to my PC and I scan over them very quickly so I don't notice some of the spelling mistakes. I apologize for any incorrect grammar. Thank you.

Phil's POV:

I stared at my sleeping boyfriend. I rested my cheek on my hand as I laid on my side. I licked my lips and adjusted slightly. I had been thinking lately and I think it was time for an upgrade in our daily schedule. We always had the same routine almost every day. We would wake up, eat alittle breakfast, maybe record a video or two, then fuck almost all night long before we would fall asleep in each others arms. Not that it was a bad system or anything, I loved it to be honest, but I felt as though it needed a slight change. I had been thinking and I had an idea.
I quietly slipped out of my bed and put on my clothes that lay all the way across the room. After grabbed my phone, I opened the door and took one last look at the sleeping Dan before going to the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote him a short note.

Hey baby.
I had to go to the shop to get something really really important. It couldn't wait. I'll be home soon. I promise. You're gonna love what I bring home. If you need anything, call me.
<3 Philly

I set the note next to the coffee pot, the place I knew he would check when he would wake up and not see me beside him. I brushed my hair quickly and put in my contacts. I very quietly walked out the front door and began my long walk to the shop. Once I was finally in town, I found the shop fairly quickly. It was a clothes shop.
A lingerie shop.
I walked in and looked around for what I needed. I couldn't really seem to find it. Just then, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a girl, about 20 or so. She smiled. "Can I help you find anything?" I smiled back. "Actually, you can." Before I could continue, she raised an eyebrow and said, "Looking for something for your boyfriend?" My jaw practically hit the floor. "How did you," I began.
"The back of your shirt says 'I've Got a Boyfriend Who's Not Afraid To Beat Ass. So Back Off Bitchez'. That was kinda a red flag."
My face turned pink as I remembered the day Dan brought this shirt home for me. I had laughed so hard. I grinned and said, "Yeah. He gave me it as a birthday gift afew years ago. And yes, I am looking for something." She laughed. "Ok then. I'm Amy." She extended her hand and I shook it. "Phil."
"Ok Phil. What are you looking for exactly?"
I tapped my chin and hummed. What would Dan like to see on me? I felt my face burn like the sun was on my cheeks. "I'm trying to think of what he'd like to see on me," I thought aloud. We both laughed. "Something black, lacey, and tight," I said finally. She thought for a minute and took my hand. She lead me across the, pretty much empty, shop until we came to the boys lingerie. She smiled. "I'll leave you to look for awhile. Find something to make him proud," she said, playfully punching my arm. We laughed and she walled back to the front of the store. I looked around until I finally found something. It was a pair of black, tight panties made almost completely of lace. The fabric was smooth and sexy. I smiled, feeling a stronger blush and a smile creep onto my face.
I took them to the check out and was relived to see Amy running the cash register. I smiled when I walked up to her and handed them to her. She nodded in approval. "Nice choice. " Just then my phone rang. I knew it was Dan because of the ringtone. It was Toxic by Brittney Spears. I smiled and pulled out my phone. I looked at her and said, "It's him." She smiled and I answered it and held it to ear.

"Hey baby. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I saw your note, but I just want to make sure. You know how overprotective I am," Dan said, yawning slightly.
"I know. Im fine. I just had to pick up something really important."
"Really? What is it?"
"You have to wait and see later." I heard Amy hold back a laugh.
"Awww. But Philly, I wanna know. Can't you tell me now. Pwease?" Dan said, using his sexy baby voice.
"Fine," he sighed. "When will you be home?"
"In about about 30 minutes. Don't worry, you'll find out soon. I promise you'll love it."
"I bet I will. I love you."
"Love you too baby. Bye."

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