A Punk's Angel

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Don't worry this one won't be as long as the last one. XD I was thinking of the Fanfiction, Pastels while writing this. Please go read it. It was one of the best fanfictions I've ever read.

Dan's POV:

I slipped on my white t-shirt and my pink/purple jumper. I checked my hair one last time before putting on my matching flower crown. I grabbed my blue bag and skipped out the door, saying a quick goodbye to my mum. I made my way quickly to the school building. Once there, a few people nodded my way but most just looked away. I was happy today so I didn't care.

I should have known it wouldn't last long.

I tripped over someone's extended foot, landing face first on the pavement. I heard everyone's laughter around me. I stood and brushed off my knees and just kept walking. I wasn't going to let some idiots bring me down. I got to my locker and grabbed my books. I turned around in time to feel a fist hit me right on the cheek. I went sprawling to the floor in pain, dropping my books. I looked up to see my attacker. Great. Just great. It was the most popular boy in school. . .

"What do you want, Felix?" (Thought I was gonna say Phil, didn't ya? TROLLOLOL!)

"I have some time before class so I thought I'd take out the trash," he responded with a smirk.

"Really? Then go walk out the door," I snarled back, not scared. I don't know where all this new found confidence was coming from but I like it. I felt a second punch on my jaw. I tried to get up, but Felix kicked me back down.

"Hey, leave him alone!"

Felix and I both turned to see my defender. He was a tall, pale, slender figure with lots of tattoos, including a large dragon on his neck. He had an eyebrow bar, a nose ring, and a lip ring. He looked like the complete opposite of me. I had never seen him here before. I had to admit, he was really handsome. I felt another kick on my side. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, Punk?!" Felix sounded mad.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm talking to a brainless jerk, but I could be wrong." Who was this kid?

"Say that again and I'll rip that ring right out of your lip! The name's Felix Kjellberg, hottest person at this school."

"Yeah, only cuz you run hell."

I couldn't hold back a laugh. I felt another kick. "Shut up. And you, ink brain, who do think you are?" The boy had his arms crossed across his chest the whole time. "The name's Lester. Phil Lester."

"Well, Lester," Felix snarled angrily. "Watch your back. This hot fucker is going to be watching." Felix pointed at himself.

"Stop calling yourself hot. The only thing you can turn on is a microwave."

Felix's face was red as he stomped off down the hall and out the door. I looked up as the boy moved towards me. He got down on the floor and helped me pick up my books. "Are you ok," he asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. You really shouldn't have done that. You could be in big trouble," I said. He shrugged. "I'm not scared."

"I've never seen you here before."

"Yeah. Just moved here today. I was just looking for my class and I saw you getting kicked around and I just had to say something. No person as good looking as you should be pushed around like that." I blushed. "What class were you looking for?"

"Mr. Jefferson's art class."

"Hey that's my class too! Can I see your schedule for a second?" He handed me a piece of paper and I quickly scanned it. "Well, looks like you're gonna be stuck with me. We have every class together."

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