All I want for Christmas, is you.

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This is a SMUTT CHAPTER! thank you for your time. Ps I wrote this on my phone so sorry for typos.

Dan's POV:

I woke up and turned over to kiss my boyfriend, Phil, good morning, but he wasn't there. My bed suddenly felt bigger. Colder.
 I pushed away the duvet and walked to the kitchen. He wasn't there. I looked in the lounge. He wasn't there. His room. Not there. He was no where. I went back to my room and got my phone. I sighed in relief to see that he had texted me about an hour ago.

P: Hey baby boy. If I'm not back by the time you wake up, I'm so so so sorry. I'm at the shop right now picking up something important. I'll be home soon. Xxxx

 I heard the front door open. I jumped and ran to Phil. I pulled him into a bone crushing hug. I pulled back and leaned in for a big kiss. Phil chuckled and pulled back. He set a bag on the table. "I'm so sorry, Danny. I tried to get done as fast as I could. I was hoping to get back before you woke up." I look at the bag. "What did you have to get?" He opened the bag and pulled out a box wrapped in Christmas paper. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my phone. I gasped. I had been so worried about finding Phil, I had completely forgot. It was Christmas! Phil laughed. "Did you really forget it was Christmas?" I felt my cheeks go red as I nodded. Phil laughed even more. "Don't worry. I had forgot to buy you a gift. I woke up and remembered and went to the shop to get you a little something."
"Aw. You didn't have to get me anything Phil."
"Well I did. Come on. Lets go to the lounge and open it." We walked to the lounge and sat on the sofa. Phil handed me the box. I shook it. I couldn't hear anything so I quickly ripped away the paper. I opened the box and looked inside. I gasped when I saw it. I reached down and picked it up. It was a tiny stuffed lion and a stuffed bear holding hands. I hugged Phil. "I love it."
"I thought you would. I know how much my little bear hates to be without his lion."
I put the present back in the box and set it  on the table. I walked over to our little tree and grabbed my gift to Phil. It was a small little gift, but I knew he'd like it. I handed it to him. He opened the gift wrap and then the box. I saw tears in his eyes as he picked it up. It was his favorite scented candle with a necklace around it. He took off the necklace and fumbled around with it in his hands. It was a silver heart that said, 'Property of Dan'. He wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you. I love it Dan." He placed the necklace and the candle on the coffee table. He then pushed me back until he was on top of me and my back was on the couch. We were giggling like little kids. Phil kissed me and pulled back, alittle too soon if you ask me. I pouted. He sat up and grabbed the candle and left the lounge. I sat up and followed him to his room. He set the candle on his dresser and lit it with a lighter. He pulled me over to his bed. We laid down, me curled up on his chest, and him stroking my hair. I tilted my head up to kiss his jaw. "Phil," I whispered.
"Yes, baby boy?"
"Do you know what I really want for Christmas?" Phil sat up and I moved off his chest, to his lap. We looked each other in the eye. "What?"
I blushed. "You."

 Phil smirked and I saw his eyes light up with lust. He grabbed my neck, making my tingle, and pulled my lips to his. He kissed me with force and passion. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I could feel him getting harder beneath me. He tugged at my bottom lip, begging for an entrance. I decided to tease him. I clamped my mouth shut and smiled into the kiss. I felt Phil smile too. He hummed, vibrating our lips. It made my whole body shake. I held back a moan. I wasn't going to let him win this time. He groaned. He knew that when he hummed, I would usually give in. Not this time.
One of his hands left my neck and grabbed my thigh. He started moving his hand to the inside of my thigh. His hand shied over my crotch. He began to rub in a circular motion. I finally opened my mouth to him. I moaned against his lips. He slid his warn tongue into my mouth, without moving his hand. I pushed him until his back was on the bed and his head was back on the pillows. I had my knees on ether side of his thighs and my hands on ether side of his head. He moved his hands up my shirt. He lifted it over my head and tossed it to the floor. He began to move down my night pants. He grabbed the waist band before I stopped him. I grabbed his hand and pulled back. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Phil nodded. "I'm giving you what you wanted. Besides, I want this too. The real question is, are you sure?"
"I'm ready."
He smiled and pulled down my night pants, leaving me in nothing but my boxers. He grabbed the top of my boxers, but I stopped him again. "What," he whispered. "You have too much clothes on," I said, tugging at the top of his shirt. He laughed and took off his shirt and skinny jeans. I kissed along his jaw and neck, nibbling at some spots. Phil moaned. I got to his sweet spot and sucked. His body vibrated with pleasure. I kissed down his chest and his nipples. I hovered my lips over his stomach. I grabbed the waist band of his boxers and looked up at him with a devilish grin. He propped himself up and nodded with smile. I pulled the boxers down and tossed them off to the side, seductively. Phil and I stood up. He pulled down my boxers and I kicked them off. I looked at Phil's body. My cheeks turned red. I know there's no such thing as perfection, but this was pretty close to it. His paper white skin, his beautiful blue eyes. His chest was tone and blemish free, aside from my love bites that covered his neck and a little bit of his chest. I suddenly felt self conscious when I looked at his lower half. It was so big. I turned my attention to the floor, embarrassed. Phil grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "What's wrong?"
"It's just... You're so... Perfect. And I'm so... so..."
"Beautiful? Gorgeous? Unforgettable, remarkable, Perfect? You are all of these things. In your eyes, you may see yourself and say that you'll never be good enough, but you are. You're beautiful. Inside and out. I think your body is perfect just the way it is," he said, wrapping his arms around my bare back. He kissed me with force. I kissed back with the same amount of force. I tugged at his hair. I pushed him onto the bed. I moved down. I kissed the insides of his thighs. Phil started bouncing, moaning for me to hurry. I smiled and licked along his member. I put it in my mouth. I could only get half of it in. Phil placed his hands on the back of my head and pushed me down gently. I was able to get most of him in my mouth. I started sucking and massaging the places I couldn't fight in my mouth. Phil gripped and pulled my hair. I licked around his shaft. Phil stopped pulling my hair grabbed the bed sheets. He moaned. I hummed against his member. His moans became louder and deeper. I felt his stomach rumble, telling me that he was close. "D...Dan. I'm gonna..." He came and I swallowed. I cleaned the extra cum off by kitty licking his tip. I wiped my chin and moved back up to sit on his knees. I smiled.
Phil laughed. "Wow. You're pretty good at that." I shrugged.
Phil leaned over to his bedside table and opened up the drawer. Inside was a bottle of lube and a condom. I raised an eyebrow. "Phil. How long have you had those in there?"
"Since the day you agreed to be mine. I've been waiting for this day."
"You've been waiting to have sex with me for 8 months?"
Phil nodded, putting on the condom.
"Why did you just speak up? I would have thought about it alot sooner."
"I didn't want to rush you. Besides, I was waiting for the best time to do it." He lathered himself and grabbed my thighs. "Ready?" I nodded and he lifted me up a little. He set me down slowly on his lap. I felt his member go inside me. It hurt. I bit my lip. I felt my heart begin to race. Phil saw my discomfort. "Are you ok?"
I nodded, quickly. "Ok, get ready." He tightened his grip on my thighs. He started moving me up and down. I felt his member go in and out. It finally turned from pain, to pleasure. I began to bounce gently up and down. Phil threw his head back and moaned. I felt my belly rumble. "Phil," I whispered. "I'm close."
"So am I."
We both came. White pasted his chest. He pulled out and I fell beside him. "Come on. We need a shower," Phil said, taking off the condom and throwing it in the trash. I nodded. He extended a hand and helped me up.
 We walked to the bathroom. As I turned on the hot water, I felt Phil smack my ass. I spun around, red in the face. He was leaned against the counter, a satisfied smirk on his face. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the steaming shower. We got in and Phil grabbed the shampoo and washed my hair. I did the same to him. He then grabbed his raspberry kiss body wash and rubbed it on my chest. I moaned a little. Phil and I both knew I had some fucked up fetish for his Raspberry Kiss body wash. He lathered my back and my legs with it. He kissed my member when he got down to pit it on my legs. I squealed and Phil kissed me again. He covered my member with small kisses. Then he moved back up and lathered himself down with the body wash. The room was steamy, hot, and it smelled like raspberries. This was heaven. I moved closer and huddled up next to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his wet neck and got a big whiff of Raspberry. We stayed in there until the water turned cool. We turned off the water and stepped out. Phil grabbed a towel and wrapped it around us. I huddled up to his chest again. We pulled away and went to our bedrooms.
 I put on a fresh pair of boxers and night pants. I walked out of my room and went to Phil's bedroom. I watched him put on his night pants. He finally looked over at me. He had put his spare bed sheets on his bed. He pulled me onto the bed. We cuddled into each others arms. I fit perfectly in his arms. Our bodies seemed to go together. I looked over to his dresser. We had left the candle on. It was completely burnt out. I caught sight of the flames being drown out by the melted wax. Phil followed my gaze.
"Don't worry, Phil," I said. "I'll buy you another one."
He smiled. "Good. And when you do, we'll do this again."
I smiled and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. "Merry Christmas, baby."
"Merry Christmas."

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