

I quickly let go of Louis's shirt collar and looked up to see a headful of short blonde hair angrily shoot out of her car and storm over towards me, and the boy I'd been holding down on the concrete.

"Get him off of Louis before he kills him!" A squeaky little voice shouts and I look over and remember the scared girl in Louis's car. Me? Kill this guy? Is she really that crazy? I could beat the shit out of him, but kill him?

"Harry, get away from louis right now!" Miley shouted and I backed away, wondering why I was feeling guilty. Why was I feeling guilty?! This guy grabbed me first and-

I didn't know what had happened at first, but the loud sound and the stinging on my face made me realize it.

Miley just slapped me.

That got the group of us teenagers a few weird looks from the other people who were walking down the street.

It wasn't like I'd never been slapped before. God knows I've had worse things done to me that a slap or two, but this one hurt like none I'd ever had before. Maybe because I like the person who delivered this one.

Wait, I like her?! No way! She's...loud-mouthed and...cute.

Okay, maybe I like her, but I do not love her.

When I finally snapped out of the shock I'd gone into from the fact that Miley had slapped me and tuned back into the conversation Miley was having with Louis, who had gotten up from the ground and was wiping the blood from his lip, they were both talking about "maybe skipping school" now. Oh, it's Tuesday.

"I'm just going to get Harry home." Miley sighed and grabbed for my arm, but I was quick to yank it out of her grip. Only to have her shoot me a hateful glare.

"Don't you dare cause more trouble. Now get in that car. We're headed home."


I sat on "my" bed in "my" room, head hanging low staring at the hardwood flooring while Miley paced back and forth telling me about how much trouble i'd caused by disappearing.

"Are you even listening to me?"

I looked up and sighed. Tired, achy, and my throat was starting to hurt.

Miley suddenly slouched her shoulders in a kind of defeated way, and pushed me over so she could sit beside me. Why did she want to sit beside me?

"What it comes down to, Harry...is that I was worried about you." I rolled my eyes at her words and scoffed. Which earned a confused look from her.

"What? You don't believe me?" She asked.

"Miley, you don't have to pretend to care. So, cut the bullshit. It's fine, really."

"Bullshit? Bullshit?! You think me worrying about you when you're lost and it's storming outside, is bullshit?" She yelled, jumping back up and looking down at me as she crossed her arms across her chest.

I was too tired to put up with her and her attitude. I laid back, my head hitting the pillow and I groaned, because damn this was soft. This bed was so much warmer and more comfortable compared to the alley I'd slept in last night.

"Oh no you don't. You're not sleeping right now, buddy." I felt her thin hands grip into my wrists and try to pull me up. Good luck, little girl.

"Jeez! How much do you weigh?" She huffed and I felt her grip leave me.

But it was quick to return and this time she pulled too hard. I heard my left wrist pop and I snapped.

As fast as lightening, I grabbed her thin arms and pulled her down onto the bed and rolled over so I was hovering over her.

"That hurt!" I nearly growled, looking down at her. Her eyes widened and de looked slightly afraid. I can't blame her. I'd never been aggressive with her before, but...damn if she doesn't have the most beautiful eyes.

You know the feeling where it's like you loose yourself? Like...you're not yourself anymore? Where you feel like you've never felt before and it's like you're floating on a cloud?

I'd felt that feeling many times before, due to drugs. But here I was staring down at Miley, who's hands were pushing against my chest, but her eyes staring back into my own eyes. And I felt higher than drugs had ever taken me.

Suddenly, she leaned up from her spot underneath me and her lips were pushed to mine.

My eyes widened and I quickly pulled away.

"Sorry! I...I..that wasn't supposed to happen." Her voice had became so quiet that I hardly heard her. She sat up on my bed, looking like a kid who's been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. While I stood at the end of my bed, staring at her.

She's got one thing right: that wasn't supposed to happen. She's...different. She kissed me. But she could do so much better than me.

Hell, what am I talking about! I don't even enter her league! I'm a druggie teen who's been in prison, not some high school lover boy.

I can't become involved with her. As much as I might want to. I need to stay away, for her sake.

I can't even read, for Christ's sake!

I'm a mess, and I can't drag her into all my problems.

Why couldn't I have been sent to another foster home where no one wants you? It makes staying and not becoming attached to anyone so much easier.

But, no. I'm stuck her with a cute girl who's my age and seems to have some sort of crush on me.

And as much as I hate to admit it...

I think I have one on her too.

Convict   H.S/M.C.        (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang