Chapter 8

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So, another chapter! Yay!

This one is a little shorter than some of the others. (Sorry) But I've been very busy today, but I also really wanted to update, so this is what came out!

Remember to let me know what you guys think of the story so far, and let me know what you think of this chapter! Thank you all! Love you!

Harry -

I woke up in my bed in the dark. I didn't even know I'd fallen asleep. Guess I slept through the whole day.

I sat up and immediately felt my head pounding so hard that I laid back down. The room was pitch black but it still hurt to open my eyes.

I felt weak, achy, and very very hot. I quickly pulled my shirt over my head, and pushed off the covers, leaving me in only my sweatpants, but I was still too hot. The room felt like a fireplace and I was burning in it.

My stomach felt terrible, my head was pounding, and then my chest tightened.

It felt like all the air in my lungs was quickly running out, and I sat up, trying everything I could to breathe.

Nothing was helping and as terrible as I felt, I got out of bed and walked into the hall. I couldn't see anything in the dark, so I flipped on one light and groaned when the dim light caused my eyes to hurt more than they already did.

I quickly found Miley's door and opened it without knocking.

To my surprise she was already awake, even at this godforsaken hour.

She was talking on the phone, but paused when she heard the door open and she turned to look at me with wide eyes. I tried to speak but all I did was cough, feeling the last of my air run out.

"Miley, i'm sorry if I woke you up, but...I really can't breathe." I manage to wheeze out before going into a coughing fit, fighting for air.

She throws down her phone and runs over to me, and pulls me into her room and sits me on her bed. I'm still wheezing, trying to get air back into my lungs.

"I'm getting mom, you look terrible." She says quickly and hands me a glass of water she'd had sitting on the small table beside her bed.

"I feel worse than I look." I tell her after drinking the whole glass of water. Which made it only a little easier to breathe.

"I'll be right back." And then she ran off, leaving me alone in her dark room. The only light coming from the hall and her alarm clock with bright red numbers.

A pain hits my stomach and I lean forward, hoping I don't puke on Miley's carpet. That would be gross.

Instead, I lay back and close my eyes. Just wishing I was dead. Then I wouldn't have all these troubles and pains right now.
Miley -

I practically dragged mom to my room where Harry had laid down in my bed and she rushed to his side.

"Harry? Harry, wake up." She spoke soothingly to him, as she brushed his curls away from his face. His curls were sticking to his forehead, I guess because he seemed to have a fever.

His eyes fluttered open, before quickly closing again.

"What hurts?" Mom asked. He only shook his head.

"Harry, you have to tell me what's wrong." Mom urged him to tell her. But he only laid there.

Mom put her hand to his head and sighed.

"We need to get him to the hospital. His fever is really high." And then we both hurried to get dressed.

We both somehow managed to get Harry into the backseat of moms car and I climbed in to sit next to him.

Mom jumped up front and we rushed to the hospital.

We were halfway there when mom reached back to me and handed me a plain grey T-shirt.

"Put this on him. I grabbed it on our way out." I nodded and grabbed the shirt from her and faced Harry. Who was practically laying down in his seat, him heavily leaning on me. His breathing shallow and erratic.

I grabbed his arms and tried to put the shirt on him, but he only pushed me away and mumbled "hot" over and over until I have up.

"He's not having it, mom. He says he's too warm." I told her with a sigh. Mom nodded, letting me know she'd heard me.

As she drove on, I turned to look at Harry. His face had paled to an almost ghostly white, his eyes closed, his hair now almost complete wet and sticking to his face. I'd never taken the time to pay much attention to his many tattoos that he had, but as he laid/sat there with me, I looked closely at them, wishing I knew what each one meant.


We'd been sitting in the ER waiting room for nearly an hour when mom got up to use the bathroom, leaving Harry alone with me.

I didn't understand why they hadn't taken him back already.

He'd been asleep since we brought him in, and was now sitting in the seat next to me and leaned what felt like his whole body weight on me. But I didn't care. I only wished I could take away some of his pain and suffering. Seems to me he's had his fair share already.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and read 4:36. Guess I'm skipping school tomorrow too.

"Miley?" Harry's voice sounded so weak right then that I wanted to cry.

I turned to see him sit up, then lean forward, facing the floor.

"You okay?" I asked, rubbing his back.

"No. I think I'm gonna be sick." He whispered weakly.

"Oh, okay, well let me get a nurse or something..." I trailed off, looking around desperately for someone to help when Harry's hand gripped mine so tight I thought my hand would break.

"Miley..." He whispered, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"What?" I asked, sitting back down beside him.

"Please don't leave me...if they make me stay...please don't leave me alone."

I was confused now.

"If who makes you stay?" I asked, and resumed rubbing his back with the hand he wasn't squeezing to death.

"Don't leave me here, okay? Please just..." And then he fell forward. I squealed and jumped forward to catch him and managed to soften his fall to the hard hospital floor. But he was out cold.

I tried to pull him back up into his chair, but damn, he's heavy.

Mom came back just then, and rushed to my side.

"What happened?!" She asked, worry clear in her face and voice.

"He just passed out!" I told her, feeling panic rise up in my chest.

Mom jumped up from where Harry and I were on the floor and ran to get a nurse. Mom soon came running back with a nurse who helped mom get Harry off the floor while I stood back and only could watch them.

Convict   H.S/M.C.        (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz