Chapter 2; Meanie

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Our little town of Coatmill is powerless to the world. We are not known at all. We can't do anything for the country. But that's what we get for being a useless town that the government can't use or 'borrow' from. Either way, it's come back on us.

Which means we are at this dumbass assembly this morning to sell fucking candy bars. They do it every year. Its stupid but I just sit back in the chairs and go to sleep.

Tanner plays on his phone right beside me as I lay my head back. The classes are still filling in all the seats so we have a few minutes before we start. "What are you playing?" I asked, looking over at his phone. He bent his eyebrow in concentration. "COC."

I leaned forward. "I'm sorry, what?" He pushed me away by the face and put his face closer to his game. "Clash of Clans. Damn, your such a newbie." I shoved his shoulder. "Shut up. I'm not into games, I'm into music. Leave me alone."

"Ah that's right. Your the band freak. Which band is it this month?" I scoffed and leaned back, crossing my arms. "Why are you acting like I find a new band every month?"

"Because you do. Now speak up. Which band?" I leaned back and looked at the ceiling. "Fall out boy." He laughed and opened his mouth to say something, but I couldn't hear. You know why?

I saw Reid's face pop up right in front of mine, with a huge smirk on his face. He placed his hands on the back of the chair and hovered over me. "Hey clumsy." He said. My eyes winded and my throat clogged up. I jumped up straight and spun around to him. He laughed and sat in the seat right behind me.

"Why are you sitting here?"

He scoffed and tilted his head to the side. "Aw, you don't look happy to see me." I huffed and raised my eyebrows. "Why would I?"

He kept smirking, his dimple drawing my attention. "Because you like me."

"Like? More like hate."

"Hey Reid." Tanner suddenly said, leaning back and giving Reid a bro fist. My jaw dropped and I turned to Tanner. "Your friends with him?!"

"Duh. He's on my football team."

I turned and looked at Reid quizzically. "Since when do you play football?" He shrugged. "People change in four years, clumsy."

"Stop calling me clumsy. I just had a bad day yesterday." Tanner laughed and hung one arm over the back of the chair. "More like everyday. Good nickname buddy. Fits just right with her." I punched Tanner in the chest, just earning a laugh.

"Shut up dumbass dick."

"Make me bitch brain." Reid laughed, making me glare at him. He pointed between us. "Are you two dating?"

"NO!" We both yelled in sync. Reid started laughing and ran a hand through his messy brown and blonde hair. "Ah, I love doing that to people."

I glared at him. "I would kick you if I could." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Where at?"

"Your face." He kept smirking. "You don't have the guts to do it."

"Wanna make that a bet?" He laughed and leaned forward in his seat. He got close enough to me that his breath tickled my face. He glanced down at my chest, then back at my eyes. "How about a better bet?"

My voice was lost from my body. It was off in space, somewhere unknown. My stomach was here, but it was just being attacked by butterflies. And my face was covered in gasoline and a match was thrown on it.

"Okay twelfth graders, I'm back with candy sells again!" Reid leaned back in his seat, still smirking away. That damn dimple draws my attention every time. I swallow and turn straight in my seat, trying to ignore what just happened. Wait.. What did just happen? Eugh, why Reid? Why?

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