Chapter 26 - Be My Detonator.

Start from the beginning

It was almost a blur, but Brandon saw when the smart car Leigh and him had been driving plummeted onto of the Horizon van, with a huge crash! Almost instantly, the front, back and side window's of the car smashed, scattering broken glass everywhere. The car looked really crushed, and a part of the roof had caved in a little. The back of the car was mostly visible, and petrol was visably leaking from the back of the car, making a stream of it around the strange man, and his goons, which were holding Lucy.

Then once all attention was on the car, everyones face's filled with shock, the drivers side door slowly creeped open. Then, there was foot steps heard, as someone stepped out of the car. All the guards tensed, snatching there guns into defensive position. Then, a figure appeared from behind the car.

Leigh stood there proudly, before all these threats. She was wearing her overly-sized 'L' jacket, which was zipped up half way. Her Gothic skirt was blowing wildly in the harsh wind, and her tights seemed to considerably more ripped than before. Her leg was quite bloody too, but then Brandon remembered the time fighting the lunch ladies, when Leigh was hurt. To think that was only few hours ago. Her trademark black sneakers with white tips were still splattered with a little blood. Brandon then focused his attention on her face, with her long black hair was tangling in the wind. Her face was scarred and adorn with harsh cuts and gazes. Her eyes were the most amazing orbs Brandon had ever seen. Even though one was almost a pure white, they radiated confidence and pride, despite what had happened today.

"Now everybody," Leigh began talking, and some of the guards frozen. "I'm pretty sure you allknow who I am, don't you? You should all be afraid. Very afraid." Leigh chuckled darkly, and it made a shiver travel down Brandon's spine. "Now the fun can begin." Leigh spoke whilst steadily unzipped her jacket. She threw it to the floor and reached behind her back. "Now, Lucy! Brandon!" Leigh yelled, and she ran at a extremely fast speed. Most likely due to her possession of the MV-Infection.

Brandon knew what to he ran too, and snatched his choise of weapon out of the font pocket of his hoodie. A katana. Lord knows how it fit there, but he pulled it out and and began running to down the street away from the Horizon guards.

Lucy, on the other hand, when Leigh shouted her, turned sharply and elbowed her captives if the face, so they lost there grip. She wasn't shot down by the guards because they had focused all their attention of Leigh. Knowing, this Lucy landed another well placed hit on one of the guards, and then managed to twist his arm around his back while the other goon was recovering. She retrieved the gun that the guard she had incapacitated had in a sling in his pocket, and twisted him around, throwing him to the ground in the process. Lucy didn;t want to kill him, so she shot him straight in the top of the ley, but she had been aiming for his foot. She remembered her earlier word when she told all the other survivors how much of a bad shot she was.

Someone grabbed her elbow in a tight grip, so she turned around and hit them hard the the side of the head with the handle of the gun. It was the strange man, the commander of the mission, who had been Lucy's boss. He growled at Lucy and stepped, forward, but Lucy remembered she had a gun, so she shot hm straight in his foot, causing him to fall to the floor. She had hit her mark. Unfortunately, Lucy had just turned around in time to be backhanded across the face by the goon thta she hadn't shot. The hit was hard enough to cause her head to snap to the side, and with that something snapped inside Lucy. She was sick of people bossing her around and treating her like shit. She pointed the gun at the mans chest and shot. He fell backwards after steeping back a little.

She was shocked that she had done that, but didn;t focus in her emotions. She needed to get out. She couldn't go back to Horizon. Not after this. They would have killed her mercilessly. So she ran away from Horizon, and her old life, and looked forward to a new one. She ran towards the cars that were parked on the street. The whole street had been cut off, due to the bullshit 'bomb scare' that Horizon had fed to the press. However, Horizon had placed a bomb within the school and planned on using it to destroy any infection that was within there, and the students that used to go there.

Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.Where stories live. Discover now