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Sammy was flying the jet tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as Nate and I sat in the back with the girl in the body bag.

"Hey um when are we going to be back in La La land because I could really go for a burger right about now." Nate said rubbing his stomach.

"Dude we just left her house like two minutes ago!" Sammy yelled.

"Yeah but kidnapping a girl is a lot of work man," I rolled my eyes and leaned over the seat to grab my back pack.

"I have a lollipop but I was going to give it to Ara-"

"Gimme!" Nate shouted tugging the candy out of my hand.

The ride was silent until Nate took the lollipop out of his mouth.

"I have a question." He said.


"Is the body bag suppose to be moving right now?"

I looked down at the body bag which was moving around on the ground.

"Let me out." The girl yelled.

Nate unzipped the bag and her head came popping up.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asked taking in her surroundings.

"Have you even wanted to go to La?"

She nodded a bit confused.

"Well that's where you're headed sweet  heart. I said with a smirk before Nate covered her mouth with duck tape.

Thank you for reading! I know it's a short update. It's just a filler but I promise to post a good chapter coming up!

Have a good day!

Shallow Love // GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now