it's still my hell

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I want so much to work on my other book, but I keep on being a hell I can't escape...for those who haven't figured out I'M A GIRL IN A FUCKING BOY BODY...that ads to my hell. Not only do I have to deal with the memories of being s slutty whore, but I have to deal with seeing a dick staring at me in the shower, reminding me of that Wich I hate so much.. boy.
Yeah, it's hard for me too.its always been.i AM NOT A FUCKING BOY!! Transgender I guesd..but I'm nit allowed..I have to keep up the bullshit lie oh yeah hi my name is bri or Stephen oh no fuck no they don't want to hear hi my name is Adalaine. ..ok, yeah I can hear your thoughts now yes,it happened, you can't rape a boy?? Fuck,why even try?? ....

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