The grooming proscess

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I hoped I would not be bullied again. I prayed to a God that couldn't here my cries to please make it stop. I was ignored. Even God hated me. SATAN(stepfather) started out by hurting me physically very bad. His ploy was to get me so afraid of him I would do anything willingly. Then came the isolation. Long days, weeks with no contact of any kind except for him. What he did at first was touture. The next thing was the isolation. Plus sleep deprevation, starvation, food was a reward item. Never knowing if yes meant no or no meant yes. He would ask me a question..I'd tell him the answer..he would tell me "no" I was wrong..yet I knew I said the right answer. He would tell me I was to stupid to know the right answer..then punish me for getting it wrong..
I say it was mind control shit..the sleep deprevation, lack of food..mind fuck games.. the punishments..after about 5 months of this he tested me..his friend came over and wanted me to sleep with him.. I said no.. satan gave me a choice ..sleep with his friend or play a game of questions...I took his friends hand led him into the bedroom and fucked him. I would rather have had sex then been tortured more by that psychotic son of a bitch.
I had no idea what he had in store for me... One day he came to my school and got me out of class. He took me into another town..he droped me off at this house and told me he would be back in few hours to take me back to school. He told me " i will give you a whatever you are told..if you think what I do to you is bad..disobey'll beg me to punish you.." and he drove off laughing..
Fear griped me so bad. I was shaking so bad. I went into the house. There were other kids there 3 boys and 2 other girls. I didnt know what was going on...I noticed the cameras set up around the house.
This man came up to me and told Me "I'll only tell you one time to do something. If you hesitate at all i will hurt you" go into that room and wait for me. I did not move fast enough. He hurt me. This was my introduction into child pornography. A Hell that lasted 41/2 years.

dalaine Skyye

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