These words to you

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A darkened sea with no light, no moon, no stars..
You are that one ship within a million miles of endless stretch,
The one that I've been forever searching for, the one I could never forget,
Until that when when I can hold you securely in my arms, Your ship I will keep striving towards,
Until a moment when I can look into that sunrise in your eyes, and see the future until the end of time.
Damn you!! Why?? How have you been so able to so totally capture that Wich could never be tamed?
To hold the flame that burned anyone that got to close? Are you a ghost? A demon? An angel? Maybe all three...
Maybe all three....

You....if you must delve the recesses and empty places in my soul, ride the gale force winds of my mind, tap into my most fragile heart, and leave pieces of you, then...stay, just stay.

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