Monsters and demons

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Shadows reflecting the monsters steely grey eyes, teeth barred, snarling at you " kill-kill-kill " your thoughts ripped apart by the monster lurking in your mind-
The demon of your youth screams,
Inside your mind there's no place to hide, tearing out from places hidden he rips out those hidden memories,
You crouch behind the walls you mistakenly hope will protect you, their no use,The Arrows, sharp and barbed, strike your soul with a guided missals prescision, there's nothing to protect you from the deluge of another's spite.

Your monster invades your soul, all that you know, your demons they cloud your mind with accusations and regrets, minutes tick by on a clock that cant tell time...your only saving grace, the one thing that keeps you from your final out of sync love afaire with an inanimate object that is the cradle of your love.

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