our age...

35 6 0

To those of you who haven't grasps that we are not exactly teens like most of you....we are
ADALAINE SKYYE 17..STEPHEN JAMES 18 brian22 the one whos (brians) mind that fucks us all up so bad. Hate us call us names  perv whatever. But then look over our coments to each of u and then say we're scum...we know parental hate..we know others judgemental stares and laughs we still know cutting we are an immature beyond immaturity that holds so much contempt for adults and parents. .
Think of us as you will we don't fucking care...but those of you that have seen our comments to you, have felt our pain and sorrow know...haters..get a fucking life already.
We are not and never will be..adult.
Do with this info as yiu want..just know your pain will never be something we ignore..it's to personal...Adalaine /Stephen James /brian

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