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Mother fuck me...I just wrote a sermon and it didn't publish it fucking erased it....story of my life.
I'll try again..
Fuck fuck fuck shit this cut won't close...I can't go to the doctor for stitches they'll lock me up again..have you ever been in one of those places? All the looks you get from even the other patients? And the comments you really can't fully hear but you know what their saying " poor girl...what's she got to be so sad about? Attention whore!!" And the doctors trying to give you medication that just fucks up your mind worse then it already is but does nothing for what's really wrong...what's really wrong is "we are hear for you dear, if you ever want to talk were right here, we love you" yeah just a overly practiced bullshit line. It's the same as my " I'm fine " "I'll be ok I'm used to it" oh that the cat scratched the fuck out of me..what?why? Your grounding me for a week!! Just cause I said fuck? What!! Two weeks now..Fine, I don't care, I'm used to it anyway. I'll just go play with the cat some more and let fluffy really scratch the shit fuck out of my arm!! 3 weeks fuck..
Young lady that's it!!go to your room and don't come out until I say so..do you understand??
Yeah I understand perfectly..your an asshole dad and you hate me!! As you close the door to your room you hear don't forget honey, I love you...fucking shit bastard loves me?? No he just fucks me cause he's a scum piece of shit!! Satan I call him...

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