Chapter Forty Five

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"what are you doing here, How did you know?" I asked unshed tears clogging my throat as i tried to speak. he looked good. Still dressed in his uniform he looked massive. The army had trained him well, he looked like a force to be reckoned with. His dark skin smooth and clear, his brown eyes full of emotion as he sat beside me staring into my face. "I'm sorry about Sean. so sorry shy" I nodded my tears escaping to run down my cheeks. "I rang Carina when I got home, she told me what happened.  I came as soon as I could."  I nodded again just staring suddenly conscious of my rounded belly that kept drawing his attention. "I'm having a baby" i say lamely as if he doesn't already know that. He nods and stands from the chair to walk to the window. "yeah, I see that. congratulations." I nodded my thanks though I knew he couldn't see me. For some reason I felt like I had let him down and immediately felt guilty towards Jords and our baby for feeling that. "im getting married too." i whispered not sure why I felt like I had to justify anything I was doing. Spinning around Rio completely ignored what I had said. "do you know who done this shy?" the question took me aback and I shook my head sadly looking into my lap as I thought of Sean yet again.  

Suddenly my chin was being lifted by Rios strong Fingers. "Think shy. This wasn't an accident. someone was trying to hurt you or Jordan. They aimed right at you" I felt the sick rise in my throat as unease settled over me. "how do you know?" I asked as my heart hammered in my chest. Removing his hand from my face he sighed. "Carina and Kayla told me. think shy." Biting my lip i closed my eyes tight. the only person that kept springing to mind was Jamal and I was too scared to even voice that fear.  "no, no one that I can think of" I murmured not making eye contact just as I had done with the police.  Rios eyes bore into mine, he knew I was lying. oh. Two years had past and he still new me better than anyone. well almost anyone. No one could know me better than Jordan. "shy, if you..." "is this fucking serious?" my head snapped to the door as Jordan came in to view. oh god he looked so beautiful my heart almost burst. I almost forgot Rio was there until I noticed the scowl on Jordan's face. "baby" was all i could squeak so overcome with emotion at seeing him. shuffling out of bed as quickly as i could I met Jordan halfway as he moved towards me his eyes searching my body for any signs of damage. "stop fussing baby, I just heard. I'm so sorry you OK? my boy OK?" he asked momentarily forgetting Rios existence as we embraced for what felt like the first time in forever. Ushering me back to bed with his good arm Jordan's eyes moved back to Rio as he stood on the opposite side of my hospital bed.  The stare off between them was tense and I was literally stuck in the middle. oh.  

"Rio was just coming to pay his condolences" i whispered my voice cracking at the reality I was facing. Jordan's hands clasped mine at the same time Rios hand squeezed my shoulder and I almost felt both tempers flare. Rio dropped his hand and stepped back. "yea, i really am sorry shy. I will leave you guys to it. You know where to find me if you need me." With that Rios large frame was leaving as silently as he had entered as Jordan squeezed on the small bed with me and allowed me to cry my eyes out on his solid chest. Evening was coming and  for some reason none of the nurses that came to check on me asked Jordan to leave. In fact they worked around his super grip on me and barely muttered a word.  Tonight would be my last night here anyway. The baby didn't seem to be distressed and I was starting to cope slightly better. Dad and Kieran had both visited and Jade had came to sit and cry with me whilst Jordan had gone to see his doctor for his checks. Just before the visiting hours finished Jords bought me some food and drinks from the canteen and charged my phone so I could sleep on the phone with him if I wanted to.  "ill be back first thing in the morning baby. I love you" he said his voice still scratchy. He kissed my forehead then my belly then my lips before leaving and I sighed rolling over ready to sleep until he returned. 

Jordan's soft snores coming through my headphones lulled me into a deep sleep that was shattered at about one in the morning when I felt the presence of someone in the room with me. Keeping my eyes closed I wrapped my arms around my belly instinctively before peeking through my lashes into the dark room. There was someone sitting beside me and their vibe was pure hate. who was it? Glad that my phone was hidden and so was my headphone. I closed my eyes fully trying to work out what to do. "I know your awake chyanne. I can see your breathing has changed."  The voice chastised and I opened my eyes slowly. "Leanne?" I whispered not believing my eyes.  There sitting in the small chair beside my bed was the girl i despised from Jordan's gym. "hey sleepy head" she said smiling at me in a deranged way. my heart beat kicked up a gear and my eyes darted to the door. even without my side slowing me down I knew I couldn't get past her to the door and as if to set that thought in concrete she pulled a knife from inside her coat let it glisten in the dim light then put it back out of sight and smiled some more  "what are you doing here" i said slightly louder trying to remain cool as I thought of a way out of this. "I came to see you silly" she said sounding as if we were long lost friends and her showing up at one in the morning with a blade was the most normal thing in the world.   "shy who is that?" Jordan asked in my ear and I thanked god a million times that he was such a light sleeper. "Leanne why are you here?" I asked again dropping her name into the sentence to alert Jordan. "fuck" was all he said in my ear as I heard rustling and shuffling. "keep her talking, don't hang up" was all he whispered before the line went silent though i knew he was still there. 

"im here because there seems to have been a mistake shy." she whispered excitedly like she was telling me a big secret. "you see, your meant to be dead. and Jordan is supposed to be with me. and as you can see there is a big mix up as your brother is dead, sorry about that by the way and you are very much alive." she ground out in a spiteful tone that had me gulping. "and Jordan, MY boyfriend. Is still not with me" she pouted and I grimaced, if I wasn't pregnant I think we may have been rolling on the floor scuffing right now.  My hands tightened around my belly even more. "Jordan's not yours Leanne." shaking her head as her left eye twitched her face became twisted with anger. "Don't you dare!" she spat with malice as she leaned in closer and my eyes again shot to the door. please let someone walk in. "the only reason he is with you is because you trapped him, you stupid hore. He doesn't love you." OK she was physco, I needed to get away from her.  "Leanne, im sorry you..." "shut up. just shut up. You think i don't know what your doing? I know what game your playing you stupid bitch, no one is coming. no one is going to save you this time chyanne." sitting back down in the chair she smiled her demonic smile again. Had she always looked this evil? "you killed my brother" I stated rather than asked and she shook her head venomously "no shy i would never, you have to believe me" she whispered grasping my hand and  staring at me wide eyed. "you was meant to die not Sean. you have to understand. no one else was meant to get hurt. she said no one else would get hurt." she was jabbering now words spilling over themselves in her rush to get them out and I listened intently she was about to tell me who killed my brother. "who? who said that?" I asked and she leapt away from me as if i had burned her. "no one" she whispered eyeing me suspiciously, but before i could argue she was talking again. "anyway none of that's important, you see the problem is Jordan cant be with me because he thinks it would be unfair on the baby. sooooooo. no you equals no baby. and here we are" she says smiling again as my stomach does somersaults. 

Pulling the knife out again she looks at me worriedly. "you understand don't you chyanne?  Its not personal for me, maybe for the others but not for me. I just love Jordan you know. I don't hate you, I just know you're not made for him, because I am. you get that don't you?" what the hell what others?  I was really starting to get scared now. "what others?" I asked and she just shrugged apologetically. Was she nuts and talking crazy or was this a group activity. Staring at the knife for long moments she looked at me again sadly. "I really am sorry" i shook my head as she raised the knife. "please Leanne no. we aren't even together Jordan and me." i almost shouted in my fear and she stopped for a moment her eyes widening then she scowled "your lying to me" she spat and i shook my head again. "no no im not. I promise. He left me" I stammered. and she lowered the knife slightly still unsure. "when?"I inhaled air trying my best to think of a good enough answer. "erm yesterday, he came to see me, said being with me was too much drama, said he was in love with someone else." her eyes danced with delight as she took in everything I was saying "did he mention me?" she gushed dropping into the chair and playing with the knife as if wasn't a deadly weapon. I decided not to make it too far fetched"no, no he didn't" her frown had me doing an immediate U-Turn "but he said he had to apologise to the girl, said he pushed her away because he was scared i would take the baby away." "so  what changed his mind?" she asked her eyes darting back and forth as she took it in. "erm well, erm he said that being shot made him realize life is too short not to spend it with the people you love." her eyes lit up in a way that made me feel sick. she really was deluded. 

Just then her phone rings and she rolls her eyes at me as if the person is interrupting our girly gossip time. "sorry" she giggles before answering. "no, its not done yet we are talking.... well they aren't together anymore so there's really... no they aren't, shy said herself....well why would she lie." Whatever the person said struck a cord with Leanne and her twisted face snapped to mine with a murderous glare as the person kept talking. My heart dropped through my stomach. "OK, OK i will call you when its done.... yes Lacey... fine" My head spun as a dizzy spell tried to force me to empty my stomach. it couldn't be could it? how was Lacey involved in this? "you lied to me" Leanne whispered angrily. Almost spitting with anger. "you dirty little fat bitch, you lied to me" before I could respond the room was lit up before two armed force police officers entered the room "drop the weapon and step away from the bed" 

I was too stunned to even move. How was Lacey and Leanne connected? And who were the others?

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