Chapter 35: Don't Do It

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After an hour of crying, she got up and cleaned herself up. She saw one of the photos on the ground. She picked it up and looked closely at the picture. There was a mark on "Dani's" leg that was just like hers.

Liv quickly called Jo "Hey Jo can you watch the kids for a few hours?" "Of course I can, i'll be there soon" "Okay thank you!" Liv hung up. Jo was there 5 minutes later. Liv quickly left and drove to the precinct, she got to the precinct and looked for Dani.

Dani was at her desk, Liv walked up to her leg and tried looking for the mark...nothing. "You bitch!" Liv slapped her "You ruined my marriage! How the hell did you get pictures of Elliot and I having sex?! Did you keep a camera in our room?!" Liv punched her "I should kill you for the pain you put me through!" Dani looked at her and laughed.

"You act so tough but you aren't. If anybody hurts you, you crumble. You aren't tough, you never will be." Liv glared at her and punched her again "Fuck you!" Liv kept hitting her til Cragen came in and pulled her off.

"Liv stop" he held her back "No! She ruined my marriage! She photoshopped pictures of Elliot and I having sex and made it look like her and Elliot! Let me go!" She tried to break free of Cragen's grasp, Liv's phone rang.

Liv pulled it out and answered it "Hello?", "Liv, it's me Mark from the bar. Elliot came in here, he had bloody knuckles and he drank a lot. I got him a cab, and he mentioned about going to the motel down the street. I just thought you would want to know, he seemed heartbroken." Liv stood there and glared at Dani

"Thank you Mark, that helped a lot." Liv hung up, and dove at Dani again. She punched her a few times and got up "Ever mess with my family again and I will be serious about you being 6 feet under!" Liv walked out the precinct and headed towards the motel.

Elliot got drunk to the point he could barely even talk. He got into a cab and went to the nearest motel. He got a room, and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He went to his room and drank the bottle and wrote a letter

"Dear Liv & the kids, By now you have gotten this letter i'll be dead. I know how much pain this probably brings you guys. But I did this because I want you guys to have a better life. Noah, your the man of the house now. I want you to take care of your sister and mom. Make sure to keep the hot head Stabler name alive. I want you to know that I do love you, and always will. Julia, your my baby girl. I love you so much. I need you to be good for your mom okay? Listen to her and don't be a little rebel. I want you to grow up and be a great young lady, get good grades, and stay away from those boys. I love you, and I will always be with you, in your heart."

Elliot was crying more than he had ever in his life now, he just needed to write to Liv and it'd be all over.

"Liv, I love you, and I did this because I want you to find someone better than me, okay? If i'm there you will just want me, i'm not that great Liv. Just find someone better, for you, and the kids. I know you said to forget we were ever a thing, but I can't. Liv you were one of the greatest things in my life and I lost it. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. Just know I love you, and I will never stop loving you. I love you. Only you. It's always been you. I love you all, you were the greatest things in my life, and now it's time for me to say goodbye. So this is it. Bye, I love you all. Please don't forget that. ~ Elliot/Daddy"

He dropped the pen and sat on the bed, he had his gun in one hand and the bottle of whiskey in the other hand. He took the last drink and brought the gun up to his head. Tears flowing down his cheeks, he held Liv's wedding ring in the other hand. He brought the ring up to his mouth and kissed it "I love you Olivia" he whispered. He was about to pull the trigger when their was a knock.

"Who is it?" He yelled. "It's me." He knew that voice, it was Liv. "How did you find me? Go away" "Elliot please open the door" he sighed and put the gun on the table and opened the door. "What Liv" she looked at him, tears ready to start streaming down.

"I'm sorry, I know those pictures aren't true. Please forgive me! I don't hate you I don't want a divorce! Please just come back home!" She hugged him "Please baby, just come home" she whispered into his neck. He hugged her tight and cried on her shoulder. She rubbed his back "Shh baby it's okay" she walked into the room and shut the door.

She brought Elliot and sat on the bed. "Are you going to come home?" he looked at her "Yeah" he whispered. She smiled and kissed him "I love you so much, i'm sorry for not believing you!" "It's okay" Elliot kissed her head.

Liv smiled "Okay let's go home." Liv got up and noticed the letter she went to grab it "Liv, wait! Don't read that!" It was too late she had already read it. She turned back to Elliot more tears coming down her face.

"YOU WERE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF?!?!" he didn't look at her "Yes. It was the only thing that could take the pain away." he whispered. She went closer to him "Elliot look at me" "For what, so you can yell at me, and tell me how selfish and stupid I was going to be." "No, I was going to tell you how much you mean't to us and how I couldn't live a day without you"

He slowly looked at her "I'm sorry, I just....I just couldn't go on with life anymore without you by my side, and the thought of you with someone else and me having to see that I just couldn't. Then if the kids loved that guy more than me...I just would have been all alone, miserable, a drunk, and who knows what else"

Liv put her hand on his cheek and moved his head so he was facing her. "You aren't going to lose me, I don't love anybody else but you. El, your the one. It has always been you, and it always will be. The kids they love you, and you will always be their dad. No one could replace you."

Liv kissed him passionately. She looked into his eyes "I love you. Only you." she hugged him tight "Now let's go home, I need you home. I need things to be back to normal." he smiled a little "Okay baby, let's go home." He threw away the letter and grabbed the gun and placed it back in his holster. He held Liv's hand and they left and went back home.

A/N: Three chapters in one day, I'm on a roll. Hopefully this makes up for not posting for like two months. Thank you for reading, voting, commenting! ~Tori

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