Chapter 24: Welcome to the World Noah Stabler!

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"Oh shit."

"Babe what's wrong?", Liv stared down at the puddle on the ground. "OH MY GOD. Liv we have to get you to the hospital!

Amanda came over, "What's the matter? I heard you guys from where I was standing.", "Liv's going in labor!", "What?!", El pointed to the puddle.

"Okay i'll call an ambulance.", Amanda walked away, Jo came over after, "Liv I heard Amanda. Do you need to sit?", "I'm fine. The contractions aren't that close.", "Okay well the ambulance should be here soon.", Liv held onto El, 5 minutes passed and the ambulance finally came, the contractions were close now.

"Babe, just breathe in and out.", "AHHH! What the hell do you think i'm doing!", yelled Liv. Munch and Fin started to laugh a little trying to hide it from Liv, making sure not to piss her off.

"I swear to god Elliot Stabler you are never fucking me again!", "Liv honey I need you to breathe.", they finally got her in the ambulance, the contractions were 2 minutes apart.

"Ahh, this hurts so bad. UGH GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!", "Its going to be okay.", "That's easy for you to say it's not ripping through your vagina!", El didn't know what to say Liv wasn't like this when Julia was born.

He knew it wasn't Liv talking and it was just the labor. He took all the comments she made to him and just dealt with it. He didn't let it get to him because in a few hours Noah would be born.

They finally arrived at the hospital. Liv was put into a room, the doctor came in. "Hi Mrs.Stabler so I guess Noah is finally ready to come out!", "Hehe I know, I just wish it don't hurt so much!", "Don't worry it should be over before you know it. But I have to see how much dilated you are.", "Okay.", the doctor checked.

"Okay well you are 5 centimeters dilated. We don't start pushing til 10, so I guess we just have to wait.", the doctor quickly left. "El, this baby is killing me.", El sat next to her rubbing her back, "I know Liv. But just think after this is all over we will bring home a healthy baby boy."

Liv looked up at El and smiled. "Thank you El.","For what?", "For staying with me and for not running off when I started to call you names.", "Babe it's okay. I'm here to stay I will never leave you. For better or worse.", "For better or worse.", Liv kissed El.

Just then Liv got a contraction. It was a big one. Liv held a death grip on El. "Come on babe just breathe. You got this you're a strong person.", "Ahhh.", "Your doing good.", the contraction was finally over. Liv was breathing heavily. "You did good.", said El hugging Liv.

The doctor came back in to check how much dilated Liv was. "You are 8 centimeters dilated. In 2 more centimeters we will be able push.", "Okay tha-.*another contraction*.. AHHH.. thank you.", El was by her side rubbing her back. "No problem. I'll come back in an hour or so.", "Okay."

El and Liv sat there talking to each other. The contractions were much closer now and hurt a lot more. El stayed by Liv's side the whole time, helping and soothing her through each contraction.

Jo and Don came to visit with Julia, "Mama! Daddy! How's baby Noah?", "Your baby brother is doing just fine, but soon enough he will be, and then you can finally meet him.", "Yay!", "So Liv how long til you start to push?", "Uh last time the doctor checked I was 8 centimeters dilated so soon enough I will be in the delivery room!", "That's good."

The rest of the time they talked, every once in a while Liv got a contraction, but her and El worked through it. "Well I think we should be going.", said Don standing up. "Okay, i'll have El call you guys when the baby is finally here.", "Okay, i'll keep my phone on blast.", Don kissed Liv on the head and gave El a bro hug.

Jo came over and hugged each of them. Julia ran over to Liv and kissed her, and then did the same with El. They left and the doctor came in.

"Hey so let's just see if you are finally ready to deliver!", they waited for the doctors response, "I would say you are ready!", "Oh finally!", "Elliot you can go get cleaned up, and Olivia the nurses will bring you into the delivery room!", they all parted their ways, El got dressed into scrubs, while Liv was moved.

El quickly ran to the delivery room, he ran to Liv's side holding her hand. "Okay on the count of three push, 1..2...3.", "AHHH!!", "Okay that was good, now I need you to just breathe in and out.", Liv began to breathe in and out.

"Okay push.", Liv pushed, she had a death grip on El's hand. "You are doing so goo babe.", "Easy for you to say this baby isn't coming out of you! I swear we are never having sex AGAIN!", El was getting a little scared. "Okay Olivia I need another push.", Liv was out of breath, she pushed again.

"Okay that's great I can see the baby's head! Now just 2 more pushes and then it will be over.", "Oh thank god.", Liv pushed hard again. "Okay now just one more push.", "El, I don't think I can do this anymore.", "Babe, I know you can do this just one more push and its all over.", "Promise.", "Promise."

Liv pushed with all her might. The baby came out, it started to cry. Liv finally relaxed. The nurse cleaned off Noah. "I see him. He's perfect.", "Would you like to hold him?", said the nurse.

Liv nodded, the nurse handed Noah over to her. "Welcome to the world Noah Stabler! I'm your mama.", Liv started to cry tears of joy. El held onto Liv looking down at Noah and Liv. "Well you did it.", "We did it."

"Hi Noah. This is your dad. I just want to say I love you very much." El lightly kissed his head. El and Liv looked each other in the eyes, "I love you.", "I love you too.", they kissed. "I'm gonna go call Don.", "Okay.", El quickly went to call Don and then after called Amanda.

He went back into the room. Liv had fallen asleep with Noah in her arms holding him close. El quickly snapped a picture, after he slowly took Noah out of Liv's grip, he held Noah rocking him gently.

"Hey little guy. So how do you like being out so far? I know it's way different. But you'll get used to it. I promise. When your older you and I will go play football in the front yard, and we'll go to basketball games, and baseball games. I promise we will have father son days were its only just you and me buddy. I love you."

El lightly kissed Noah's head. He sat down in the chair next to Liv and rocked Noah back and forth. Soon enough El was starting to get tired, as he was about to fall asleep Noah started to cry. Liv immediately woke up.

"Its time for him to eat, can you hand him to me.", said Liv holding out her arms. El rose up and gave her Noah. Liv undid her hospital gown and began to feed him. She sat there playing with his little fingers, El had fallen asleep.

Liv laughed at how fast El had fallen asleep, she knew that this was going to be their lives for the next few years. Waking up in the middle of the night to little Noah crying for food, and having to feed him and then going back to sleep for a few hours and then waking up doing the same over and over.

She had no problem having to wake up for it, she had enough practice with Julia to already be trained. She was taken out of her thoughts when Noah stopped feeding. She picked him up and burped him. After she burped him she put him back to sleep. After he had fallen asleep she put Noah in his little crib. She began to nudge El. "Babe, wake up!", "Huh?! What? What's wrong! Is it Noah?", Liv started to laugh. "Nothing's wrong! Just go sleep on the bed!", "Are you sure? I mean i'm fine with the chair.", "I'm sure now go!", El went and laid in bed, Liv crawled in after him, El wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep. Liv laid in thinking about the future, after about 30 minutes of thinking she finally fell asleep.

A/N: So I decided to continue the story! And that's all I really wanted to tell you 😂😂. So anyways thank you for reading!! ~ Tori

Instagram| @therealbensler

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