Chapter 21: Its a..

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~3 Months Later~
•Liv is 5 months pregnant•

"Hey babe, are you ready? Today's the day if we find out if we will be having a Mariska or Noah.", said Liv rubbing her stomach. "Of course i'm ready! Now let's go!", "Hold on, the doctors appointment til another 2 hours!", "Well it's always great to be early!"

"Haha, El we are not going 2 hours early! Plus we have to get Julia ready for school!", "Already a head of ya, Julia is all ready and she is eating breakfast and watching tv.", "What would I do without you?", said Liv kissing him. They both got up and went into the living room to see Julia watching tv.

"Hey baby! How's my little girlie doing?", "Hi mama, i'm doing good.", Liv sat down on the couch and cuddled with Julia. El came over with tea for Liv and coffee for him. "Thank you.", El sat down next to Julia.

"So what are my girlies up to?", "Nothing, just talking.", "What about?", "Boys.", said Liv lying. "No you are not. Julia, you can not date til you are 30.", "Ewww, boys are gross. They have cooties.", El and Liv laughed.

"Well that's good.", "So, are you ready to go to school.", "Yes mama, I can't wait!", "Okay well go grab your backpack and lunch and we can go.". Julia got up and went to her room to get her backpack. El and Liv got up to get their shoes.

Liv tried to bend down but the baby bump got in her way. Liv was getting frustrated, El noticed and stopped her. "Babe let me do it.", Liv smiled. El kneeled down and slowly slipped her shoes on. "Thank you.", said Liv kissing El on the cheek. "Anything for you."

Julia came out of her room with her backpack on and her lunch in her hands. "Ready?", asked Liv zipping Julia's jacket. "Yep, lets hit the road!", the three of them piled into the car, the rest of the car ride was filled with laughter and some singing here and there.

They finally arrived at Julia's school, El stopped the car and Julia kissed them both on the cheeks and left. "She's growing up so fast.", said Liv starting to cry. "Babe don't cry.", "It's the hormones. My emotions are everywhere!", El embraced Liv into a hug. "It's okay, I get it. Now how about we go and find out if it's Mariska or Noah in there.", "Okay."

They drove to the doctors office, they waited in the waiting room til they heard their name being called. They went into the room. "Okay Olivia how are you feeling?", "I'm feeling good, my hormones are just everywhere!", "Well that's normal, are you ready to see your baby?", "Yes, we are very much ready.", the doctor put the cold gel onto Liv's stomach.

He moved it around trying to find the right place. He finally found it and turned the monitor to Liv and El to look at it. "Okay, so this is the little feet, and hands. Then here is your baby!", Liv started to cry. "Omg, El it's our little baby!", El kissed Liv on the forehead.

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?", "Yes please.", "Okay, you are having a...boy!", Liv and El screamed, "Do you have a name already picked out?", "Yes we do. It's going to be Noah Stabler.", "I like it, Noah Stabler. Well congratulations!"

"Thank you so much!", "No problem just make sure to make another appointment in 3 weeks.", "Okay, thank you.". The doctor left and Liv redressed herself. "How are we going to tell everybody?", "I don't know, but we should make it fun! Okay, let's think.", "Well we could have a little party!", "Okay that's good.", "We we could have cupcakes that when you opened it, it told you if it was a boy or girl."

"That's a great idea, but who's going to cook it?", "We can have a bakery do it, but how do you want to actually tell them? Like it can be blue frosting inside.", "That is a great idea.", El kissed Liv on the forehead. "So are we ready to go?", "Yeah babe, just let me make a quick appointment.", "You got it, i'll bring the car around.", "Okay."

El left Liv, Liv quickly made an appointment. Liv walked out of the building and was met with honking. It was El, she looked both ways, nothing. She began to walk when this car quickly drove past her. Liv noticed in time and jumped back.

"Shit.", "LIV! Are you okay?", said El kneeling down by Liv. "Yeah, it's just that car, it came out of nowhere. I didn't even see it.", El helped Liv up. "Can you walk?", "Yes El i'm fine.", "Well just in case.", El picked Liv up. "El, put me down, I must weigh a ton.", "No, i'm being cautious. Nothing can happen to you two!", Liv kissed El. "Thank you."

El carried Liv to the car, he slowly put her down and opened the door. "After you my lady.", "Why thank you.", they both got into the car, and went to a restaurant to grab some lunch and then pick Julia up. "Any weird cravings today?", "Umm nothing weird, I just want something sweet.", "Ice cream?", "No. I'm thinking maybe..mhm cheesecake.", "You got it."

El quickly pulled up beside Victoria's Bakery. "What kind of cheesecake do you want?", "Mmhm, strawberry. And can you put in the order for cupcakes.", "Of course, how many cupcakes?", "30?", "30 cupcakes and a strawberry cheesecake coming right up.", "Make sure that the cupcakes have blue frosting inside of them, and have the outside be vanilla.", "Okay boss.", El shut the door and went inside.

Liv sat in the car repeating what happened at the doctors office. Could that car actually want to hit her? Was it targeting her? If it was who was it? Why did they want to hit her? Lets think Brian is dead, Lewis is dead. All of her enemies are dead. "Who would it be?", El entered the car.

"Who would what be?", "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about a case.", "You are always thinking about work.", "Married to the job.", "I though you were married to me?", said El sounding offensive. "Of course i'm still married to you, but the job is my second spouse.", "I know, I know it always has been and always will be." they both laughed

"Okay let's get Julia and then we can finally eat.", "Sounds good. I'm starving.", they quickly picked Julia up, "Hey princess, how was your day today?", "It was great! I got an award today!", "Congrats baby, what did you get the award for?", "I got it for reading a lot!", "That's great baby! When we get it home we can frame it!", "Yay!"

They arrived home, Julia quickly ran inside and got out her award. El and Liv stayed behind a little getting the food out. "Don't you lift a finger, I got the food.", "Thank you.", "I just want you to relax.", "I'll try my best."

They made their way inside the house, Liv sat on the couch while El got the food out. He placed 3 plates on the table and put food on each. He grabbed 2 plates and brought them into the living room. "Here you go!", he set the plates in front of Julia and Liv.

"Thank you daddy!", "Thank you babe!", "Your welcome.", El went back into the kitchen and got his plate. He sat down beside Liv. "Should we tell her?", whispered El. "No let's make it a surprise for her too!", said Liv. El nodded.

They ate and watched Netflix for the rest of the night. It was 9:00 El got up and took the plates into the sink. "Julia it's time for bed!", "Aw man.", "Come on, go change and brush your teeth! I'll come and read to you after.", "No El I got the reading tonight.", "Are you sure?", "Yes.", El shrugged and went back into the kitchen he washed the dishes while Liv read to Julia.

El made it in time for the ending. "They lived happily..ever.. after!", "Yay!", "Okay goodnight sweet pea.", "Goodnight mama!", Liv kissed Julia on the forehead and left the room. El quickly ran to their bedroom and pretended to be reading. "How was the bedtime?", "It was good. She wanted to read Cinderella.", "We read that the other night.", "I know.", Liv sat down on the bed and left out a big huff.

"What's wrong?", "Oh nothing it's just my feet are killing me.", "Here i'll massage them.", "No El you don't have to. You have done enough.", "Liv, this is nothing. I want to make sure you and the baby are comfortable.", Liv kissed El. "I love you so much.", "I love you too. Now sit back and relax.", Liv did what El said. El massaged Liv's feet, Liv moaned every now and then. "Yep right there, ooh that feels so good.", El would occasionally laugh a little at Liv.

After an hour of massaging Liv's feet, El stopped once he noticed Liv sleeping. He laughed a little seeing his beautiful wife sleeping. He kissed her on the forehead and slid in next to her. He pulled Liv close to him and slowly went to sleep.

A/N: Okay so I just wanted to say sorry for the long delay! I just had writers block and it was just horrible. So I am truly sorry for not updating in so long!! ~Tori

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