Chapter 4: The Aftermath

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Brian shot his gun towards El, but missed. He was too drunk to aim right. "Brian Cassidy, you are under arrest." El read him his Miranda Rights, while cuffing him. Once Brian was cuffed El ran to Liv. "Liv, honey are you okay? Can you hear me?", El checked her pulse, it was weak. He looked at her body, she was bleeding a lot. Brian had hit her stitches so hard, that it ripped, blood now gushing through the cut.

El had picked up Liv bridal style and carried her to the ambulance, the other police officers had taken care of Brian. When El put Liv in the ambulance he saw Cragen, Julia was with him. "Cap, what are you doing?", said El as he grabbed A sleeping Julia from Cragen's hold, he saw dried tears on her cheeks, he couldn't help but hold her closer to him. "Julia called me. She said she was scared, and that Liv was hurt. When I came here Julia was crying, I calmed her down, but she fell asleep after. What happened to Liv?", "The bastard Cassidy beat her up, and was close to raping her. I got there in time, I was bringing Julia home when I heard Liv scream. I told Julia to go to Mrs. Davis and call the police, but I guess she called you instead.", "Woah Cassidy did this? That little fucker. Where is he now?", "I don't know the police officers took him.", "Oh okay, well I have to go talk to them. Need anything else?", "No i'm good Cap, thanks.", "No problem El, Liv is like the daughter I never had."

After Cragen left El put Julia in her car seat and drove to the hospital to go see how Liv was doing. On the way there Julia woke up, and started to cry. "Daddy, I want mommy!", Julia started to get angrier. "Okay, Julia home you need to calm down, we're on our way to go see mommy.", "Fine.", the rest of the car ride was silent.


They got to the hospital, And went to the front desk. "Excuse me, i'm here to see Olivia Benson.", "Umm, let me just check what room she is in, she's in room 153.", "Okay, thank." As El was about to leave the nurse stopped him, "Excuse me, but the doctor said that nobody could go see her.", "Why?", "Oh, I don't know, actually here comes the doctor.", "Dr. Wentworth, this is a visitor to see Ms.Benson in room 153.", "Oh you must be Elliot Stabler, Ms.Benson is recovering right now, from a lot of blood lose. If anything was to distract her, then it could trigger something. She should be ready tomorrow. By then she'll be ready.", "Oh, okay thank you doctor see you tomorrow", said El in a disappointed tone. they started to walk off when Julia stopped. "Daddy where are we going? Where's mommy?". "Honey, Mommy has to relax, we'll see her tomorrow. For now, we're going to go to see Auntie Amanda, Uncle Fin, and Grandpa Don.", "Okay!".

El and Julia left the hospital to go to the precinct.


El drove up to the precinct, parking his car right in front of the building. He got Julia out, and held her on his hip. They walked into the building, going straight to the elevator. they rode the elevator all the way to their destination once they got there El went straight to Captain's office. He knocked first, and hear "Come in.", El entered with Julia. "Hey El, hi Julia! How's Liv?", "Grandpa Don!" said Julia going to Don to sit on his lap,"Hey Cap, the doctor said she was healing. But we didn't get to see her.", "Oh well i'm sorry you didn't get to see her. Do you need anything?", "No, I just thought that Julia would want to come see the squad.", "Oh well, I know the squad loves to see her!", Said Don while ticking Julia. "Grandpa, stop I can't breathe!", said a Julia trying to catch her breath. "Okay, well i'm going to see the rest of the squad. Julia you coming?", "In a little bit, I wanna talk to grandpa!",

El left the room, and went over to his desk. On his way there he passed Brian's desk, he saw a picture of Liv and him on his desk. El took the picture and ripped it. When he got to his desk the rest of the squad came in. "Hey El, how's Liv? We all heard the news. That little shit Cassidy, I swear if I see him i'm going to kill him." said Fin, "Hey Fin, Liv is doing fine, that's what the doctor says.", "Good.", they all started to talk when a police officer entered the room. He had Brian, everybody had gotten angry and went straight towards Brian.

Just before they could hurt Brian. "What are you guys doing?", "What do you think?" Said Nick. "You can't do that. Are you trying to get fired?", "But what he did to Liv!", "I know, but we can't do that. if you guys did that we all could lose our jobs.", "Well you know what I don't care!", Said El. El punched Brian til he hit the ground, then he kicked him a few times. After he was done Fin and Munch brought Brian to the holding cell. "Stabler, that was uncalled for. But knowing the situation I will let that slide, no go take Julia home.", "Yes Cap.", El went into Cragen's office and grabbed Julia. Just before they left Julia said bye to every one and hugged them "Bye everyone, bye Grandpa!!" After they left, and went home. El changed a sleeping Julia out of her clothes and into her pajamas, and laid her in bed. "Goodnight my princess, tomorrow we'll go see mommy." El whispered before he shut the door. El went to his room, and went to bed, thinking about the love of his life, Liv.

A/N: Hey Guys, how do you guys like the story so far? I know it's probably a little boring. But please comment, and like! It would mean a lot, it already means a lot when you read though! So thank you! ~Tori

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