Chapter 25: Meet Your Family!

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The next morning Liv woke up from the all the noise from the machines and the nurses. She sat up in the bed looking around, El was still sleeping beside her, his arms still wrapped around her. Noah was still sleeping in the little crib, during the night he had only cried twice for food.

Liv had gotten up and made her way to Noah's crib. She stood there staring down at a sleeping Noah, she softly caressed his cheek admiring her new baby. Noah had been a spitting image of El. He had El's hair, and nose. She couldn't believe it, El and her had another kid.

Soon enough there would be a little El running around the house. Liv was brought out of her thoughts by arms wrapping around her waist. She knew it was El. "Morning baby.", "Morning El.", "Did you sleep good?", "With you, always.", El turned Liv around and gave her a sweet kiss.

They stayed standing in each others arms watching Noah sleep, "You do know he looks just like you!", "Really?", "Yes! He has your hair, and even your cute little nose.", "My nose is not cute or little.", "Well I think it is.", "Not.", "Yes you do! Now deal with it!", Liv gave him a little peck on the lips.

An hour later everybody came to visit. Amanda and Nick were first. Nick and El went on a coffee run leaving Amanda and Liv alone. "Hi little Noah! I am your auntie Amanda! I'm the one that's going to bring you everywhere, and buy you everything!", Liv laughed at Amanda.

"So how was the delivery?", "Painful. It felt like forever!", "Aha, by your stories I am never having children!", "No Amanda! Come on i'm just being dramatic!", "I know but still, I don't even think Nick wants any kids. He has Zara and Gil.", "Amanda, just because he has Zara and Gil doesn't mean he wouldn't want to have more kids. I bet you if you just asked him he would say yes!", Amanda just nodded her head.

The rest of the time they sat there talking about Noah, Julia, and work. El and Nick finally came back with a bunch of coffee, and donuts. "What did you do buy the whole restaurant?", "I was making sure everyone had some drinks when they came.", "Oh I see, well that was very sweet of you.", El put the drinks down and slid in beside Liv on the bed, he picked Liv up so she was sitting in his lap.

"So what are you girls talking about?", "Oh nothing. Just about work and the kids.", "Nice. Jo and Don should be here soon. They texted me when we were coming back.", "Well that's good then we can see Julia, and she can meet Noah.", "She is going to freak!", "I know she is!", "She has always loved babies..", "She has. She always begged us to have another baby.", "Lets just hope she doesn't get jealous.", "Yeah let's hope.", they were talking when Julia entered with Don and Jo.

"HI MAMA! HI DADDY!", "Shh! Julia your baby brother is sleeping.", "I'm sorry. Can I see him?", "Sure baby, just come over here.", Julia came over, "He's so cute!", "Julia, I would like you to meet Noah Donald Stabler.", Don looked up, "You named him after me?", "Yeah, we wanted to name him after you.", "That's sweet.", "Do you wanna hold him?", Don had a worried face on.

"Umm, sure.", he walked over, Liv gently passed Noah to Don. "Hey little guy. I'm your grandpa. I know you"re sleeping so you can't see her, but the lady next to me she's your grandma.", Jo kissed Don. "Hi Noah, I'm gonna be your grandma. It's nice to meet you!"

El and Liv looked at Don and Jo. "They would have been good parents.", whispered El into Liv's ear. "I know.", Liv kissed him. "When do you guys get to go home?" asked Jo. "I think tomorrow. The doctor hasn't told us.", "That's good.","Yeah. Can't wait to bring him home.", Don gave Noah to Jo.

"So you have maternity leave for 4 months, and Elliot you don't have to come in for 2 months.", "Wow that's a long time, how did you pull that off?", "I got my ways.", "Well thank you.", "No problem. I wanted to give you enough time to hang out with this little guy.", "Well thank you!"

They all talked for a while about Noah and work and then Fin, Munch, Casey, and Melinda came in. Don decided it was best if they left so there wasn't a lot of visitors. "Bye princess!", "Bye daddy! Bye mommy!", "Bye baby!",

Hi!" said Liv to everyone. "Hey Liv.", "Hey baby girl.", "Hey little mama.", "Hi Liv.", "So is this the little guy?" asked Casey. ", "Yes meet Noah Donald Stabler. Born August 23rd at 11:59 PM.", "You named him after Captain and not me. I feel highly offended.", said Munch.

"Whatever. So this little guy was born a minute before midnight.", said Casey playing with his little fingers. "Yep!", "That's pretty cool."

They all talked for the rest of the time til they were kicked out. "Sorry visiting hours are over.", everyone quickly said their goodbyes and left. "So little Noah, that was your family. I know you were mostly sleeping, and it was a little chaotic but I promise they all love you.", Noah yawned, "I guess you're tired.", Liv quickly put him to sleep, after he finally stop fussing she put him in his crib. "Sweet dreams my sweet boy.", Liv quickly went back to bed.

She was exhausted, she laid in bed, El was next to her. "Im getting tired.", "Go to bed babe.", "Okay.", she yawned and fell asleep. Once she was asleep El got out of bed and went over to Noah. This was around the time he would talk to little Noah.

"Hey little buddy. So today you met your family! I know there's a lot of them, but they all love you. Now enough about the family goodnight. I love you little buddy.", he softly gave him a little kiss. He went back to bed with Liv, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight to him.

A/N: I know it takes me a long time to update but I'm so sorry 🙈. I'll try to update more! Thank you for reading and voting!! Also shoutout to SVUlover2012 !! I love reading your comments!! 😂😂 ~ Love Tori

Instagram| @therealbensler

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