Chapter 13: I'm Sorry

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*Bang* it all went dark. "What the hell.", the lights came back on but the elevator stopped. "Seriously.", El tried pressing the buttons, nothing. "Are we stuck here.", said Liv holding on to El. "Looks like it.", "Oh this is fucking great.", said Brian sitting down. El sat down, Liv sitting next to him. Liv still was uncomfortable around Brian. El held Liv tight reassuring her that she was okay. She nodded, getting his sign. "Well, what do we do now.", "I don't know, just wait they're probably getting help now."

They sat there I silence, til Brian got annoyed. "Why the hell are they taking forever.", "Just calm down.", "Don't tell me to fucking calm down the only reason i'm here is because of you.", said Brian pointing to Liv. "What the hell did I do?", "I came here to grab my stuff, because I lost my job.","It's not my fault, you're the one that decided to beat me."

"I wouldn't have to if you stopped acting like a whore.", "Are you fucking kidding me, how the hell did I act like a whore. Tell me what did I do?", "I don't need to explain myself.", "Because there is nothing! I was freakin loyal to you while you were fucking prostittues.", Liv started to cry now, El held Liv close to him, whispering in her ear reassuring her.

"Liv don't listen to him, you are better than him. I love you Liv you are stronger than anyone I ever know. Don't listen to him.", Liv nodded and hug El tighter. Brian sat there in silence, while Liv and El sat in each other's arms. After hours passed they finally fixed the elevator. Each of them left the elevator in silence, Liv and El went to Don's office to get Julia.

"Hey are you guys okay?", "We're fine, but I think it's time to go home.", "Okay, how about tomorrow you get a day off.", "Okay thank you Don!", since Julia was still sleeping El carried her, to take precaution they took the stairs and left. The car ride was silent until Julia started to wake up. "Mama, when did you get me?", "Just a few minutes ago. Go back to sleep baby,", "Okay mama.", Julia fell back asleep, and the car went silent again. Liv was still on edge about the whole Brian thing., El could sense it and knew to give her time.

They arrived at their apartment, El brought Julia into the house, while Liv got ready for bed. "Goodnight princess, daddy loves you.", "Love you too daddy.", El kissed Julia's forehead and left the room, he went into the bedroom, and sat beside Liv on the bed. "Hey, do you wanna talk about it?", "No, i'm fine.", "No Liv you aren't fine, you always say you are but you aren't.", "Can you just leave me alone!", "Liv just talk to me!", "Get out!", El looked at Liv, "Get out." El left the room, and sat on the couch. Liv was pushing him away, he hated it but he had to deal with it.

He decided to just go to sleep and think about it in the morning. Liv was sitting there in her bed crying. She was pushing away the man that she loved. She hated herself for that, that was always the way she dealt with things she pushed people away. She pushed away the people she loved, she pushed away El that's why they got their divorce in the first place. Bust she wasn't going to let that happen this time. She got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself off. She washed her face, and brushed her teeth, she changed her clothes and went out into the living room. She stood there watching El sleep, she knelt beside him and traces his finger over his jawline.

She was getting tired, so she decided to cuddle in with El. She picked his arm up and crawled in and draped his arm over her waist. "I'm sorry for pushing you away, I promise I won't do that ever again.", whispered Liv, she lightly kissed him, and slowly fell asleep. El woke up later to Liv in his arms. He smiled, and played with her hair, he kissed her lips softly. Liv woke up in the middle of the kiss and smiled. "I love you.", "I love you too babe. Now let's go to our room.", El carried Liv to the bedroom, kissing her and never breaking the kiss. They lied down together, El held on to Liv making sure not to let her go. "I'll never leave you.", "And i'll never let go.", they kissed and went back to sleep.

A few hours later they both woke up to get Julia ready for school. "Baby, wake up you have school.", Julia woke up, "Mommy i'm tired.", "Your tired? Baby you slept all day yesterday!", Julia started to giggle, "I know, but i'm still tired!", "Okay if you get up right now i'll have daddy make your favorite. Chocolate pancakes!", "I'm up!" Julia ran to the bathroom and started to get ready. Liv left the room and went to see El. She saw El standing in the kitchen by the fridge, she slowly crept behind him and wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I told Julia you would make her chocolate pancakes.", El laughed, "Chocolate pancakes coming up!", El got the ingredients out while Liv sat there watching him, They were talking, when Julia came running in. "PANCAKES!", Julia quickly sat down, El came around with the pan, and put a pancake on each plate. "Eat up, after your dad and I are going to bring you to school.", "Okay.", Julia quickly ate, after she was done she got her backpack ready. "I'm ready!", "Here's your lunch, I packed you a PB&J sandwich, a yogurt, and some juice!", "Thank you mama!".

They all put their shoes on and left. They walked down the streets on New York City til they reached Julia's school. Liv bent down to Julia's height, "Okay baby, it's time for school. Be good and nice. Mama loves you oso much! Have a good day, i'll be here to pick you up at the end of the day!", Liv kissed Julia's forehead, "Bye Mama, love you!", Julia then went to El, "Bye daddy, love you and be good to mommy!", "Will do, love you princess!", El kissed the top of Julia's head and hugged her. Julia started running in school, she stopped and turned back around waving. "Bye! Love you!", Liv and El yelled back "Love you too." El and Liv waited til she was in the school to leave, once she was in the school they walked back home.

"Maybe we should go to the precinct.", said Liv going into the bathroom. "Why?", "Because we still haven't told the squad about our engagement! And I would like to be able to marry you soon.", "Okay, Mrs.Stabler we'll go in an hour.", "Good, I miss being called Mrs.Stabler.", "Well I missed being able to call you my wife!", El tugged Liv's shirt pulling her so she was standing between his legs. "You are so beautiful.", Liv started to blush, "No I am not!", "Yes you are and i'm going to keep on telling you til you know.", "That's gonna take years buddy!", "Well, i'm not going anywhere.", El kissed Liv.

They got ready, and then left to go to the precinct. They got to the precinct, and tried to shush everyone. "What are you two doing here? I told you to stay at home.", "Well, we needed to tell you guys something!", "Okay carry on!", "Well.", Liv took El's hand, "El and I are engaged!". Everybody cheered, "Congratulations babygirl!", "Thanks Fin!", "Second times a charm Stabler!", Said Munch giving El a high five. "Let's all go celebrate!", said Don, "Um I wish we could but I have to get Julia from school!", "Oh just meet us there! How about we go to..Ellie's on 24th street?", "Sounds good! El and I will change, then pick Julia up and meet you at Ellie's!", Liv hugged Don and left with El.

After they got ready, they picked Julia up and made their way to Ellie's. They met the squad, and they all sat down. Through the night the squad was laughing making jokes, and talking. After a few hours it was time to leave. "Okay guys I think it's time to go home, Julia has school tomorrow and we all have work!", "Okay, well congrats again Liv.", "Thank you Amanda!", "Come here little lady!", Said Amanda opening her arms for Julia. Julia ran into her arms and hugged her tight. "Bye Auntie Manda!", The rest of them said their byes and left. They got home, and put Julia to bed, after they watched some Netflix, and fell asleep.

A/N: Okay so the next chapter will probably be their wedding so it will be fast forwarded into their future, only by a few months! Just wanted you to know, thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! ~Tori

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