Chapter 15: Honeymoon

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El woke up first, he slowly kissed Liv to see how long it would take for her to wake up, he left small feather light kisses down her jawline, til she finally woke up. "Good morning to you too mister!", "Good morning beautiful! It finally took you long enough to wake up!", "How long were you awake?", "About 5 minutes.", "Whoops.", El kissed her lips. "Mmhm, that was nice.", "When's the flight?", "Umm noon.", "I'm gonna go take a shower, care to join?", said El walking towards the bathroom.

Liv jumped up and ran towards El. El picked Liv up and placed her on the counter. They started to make out, slowly undressing each other. El quickly turned on the water and slowly walked back to Liv. "Shall we?", Liv jumped down, and went into the shower first. El came in after her pushing her to the wall. He kissed down her body, Liv wrapped her legs around El's legs, and they began making love.

After their shower, they got dressed. Liv was wearing a blue sundress, with some white wedges. She curled her hair down into beach waves. El was wearing tan shorts, and a white dressy shirt. They were going to Aruba, so they knew to dress nice. After they were done they packed all their stuff and headed to the airport. "I'm going to call Julia.", El nodded, Liv looked through her contacts trying to find Amanda's contact.

"Ah their you are.", El laughed at Liv. "What's so funny Stabler?", "Nothing, you're just cute.", he kissed her temple. Liv pushed the call button and waited, til they finally answered. "Hey Amanda can I talk to Julia?", "Hey, of course you can!", Julia, your mom wants to talk to you!", Liv heard on the phone shuffling and then Julia. "MAMA! I miss you and daddy!!", "I miss you too baby! Are you being a good girl for your auntie?", "Yep! Where are you?", "Going to the airport. I have to hang up soon, baby can you give the phone to your Auntie Manda.", "Sure thing mama, love you!", "Love you too.", she heard some shuffling then heard Amanda's voice. "Hey Liv what's up?", "Tomorrow Alex wants to take Julia, and the day after that Don wants to take her. Is that okay?", "Yeah sure.", "Okay, well we just arrived at the airport, bye Amanda!", "Bye Liv!", Liv ended the call.

"How was she?", "She's good, she misses us though.", Liv started to tear up a little. El wiped the tears with his thumb. "Don't cry, it'll be okay. We'll be back before you know it." Liv smiled and nodded. "I know, it's just I miss my baby.", "I know I get it.", they exited the cab, and went into the airport. They went through security and check in, after they were done they sat down and waited. "Do you want anything? Coffee?", said El slightly standing. "Coffee sounds about good.", "Okay a coffee coming right up!", El quickly went to get the coffee leaving Liv sitting alone.

She went through her photos to see some of the wedding pictures, there was one of El, Julia, and her all next to the ocean. She instantly fell in love and made it her lock screen, and then she found one that was of her and El kissing, she made that one her home screen. She continued looking through her photos and found a bunch of selfies that Julia had taken, some not even having Julia in the picture. She laughed at how funny her daughter was. After she deleted the ones that were just of Julia's thumb she was interrupted by El giving her the coffee.

"Thanks.", After El sat down they talked for a while til their flight number was called. They both got up and walked to the door, they handed their tickets to the flight attendant and walked to the plane. El had gotten first class seats, near the back so they were secluded more. They took their seats and waited for take off. After 5 minutes the plane finally took off. Liv closed her eyes slowly breathing in and out. She hated planes, she hated knowing that she was thousands of feet in the air. El noticed her tense up, he slowly held her hand, and whispered, "Don't worry I got you.", Liv opened her eyes and smiled at El. "I love you.", "I love you too Liv, I will never let anything bad happen to you.", Liv gave El a long kiss.

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