Chapter 16: Home Invasion

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They both soon fell asleep from being jet lagged until they heard something break.

El quickly woke up, "El what is that?", "I don't know. Go to Julia's room. I'm going to go check it out.", Liv went to Julia's room, and sat with Julia. Liv couldn't hear anything. There was muffled shouting, and then BANG BANG. Two gunshots, it was silent, Liv held Julia tight, Julia started to cry. "Shh baby, it's okay.", just then the door knob started to jiggle.

"Open up!", Liv held Julia tighter, just then the door flew open. It was Brian. "Get up!", Liv didn't listen to him. "Get up or I hurt Julia.", Liv quickly got up. "What do you want?", "You'll see, now go into the living room.", Brian pointed a gun towards Liv's head, "Don't try any sudden moves.", Liv obeyed and went into the living room. El was lying on the floor bleeding from his leg. "El!", Liv began to run to him, until she felt Brian pull her hair.

"What did I say! Don't make any sudden moves.", Liv cringed in pain. Brian threw her onto the floor next to El. "Tie them up!", Liv wondered who he was talking too, just then this blonde haired women came in. "Kathy.", said El. Kathy picked up the tape and began to tie them up. She stopped in front of El and mouthed "I'm sorry.", Liv was confused, who was Kathy?

After Kathy tied them Brian came up to Liv. "What are you doing with Julia?", "Oh she is perfectly fine.", "Please don't do anything to her, I will do anything for you!", Brian smirked, "Anything?", "Anything.", "No Liv don't do it.", "El, it's for Julia.", Brian picked Liv up and pushed her towards the bedroom. Liv didn't resist, she walked into the bedroom. El was yelling but she knew that if she didn't obey then he would really hurt Julia. Brian shut the door.

El was sitting there useless, Kathy came up to him. "I'm sorry El, I didn't know he would do something like this. I was dating him and then he turned abusive and made me come.", El truly saw the guilt in Kathy's eyes. "It's fine but you need to stop him from doing anything to Liv. Please. I love her.", Kathy thought about it for a second and then untied him. "Go save her.", "Thank you, can you go to Julia's room and call Don Cragen. Julia will know who he is.", "Okay, just be careful. Brian is capable of a lot of things.", "I beat him once, I can beat him again.", El got up, and fell back down.

His leg was still bleeding. He took of his shirt and tied it securely around his wounded area. "Remember call Don.", Liv was scared, she was twitching. She couldn't believe it Brian was actually going to get his way. "How about we continue what we started last time.", Liv cringed. Brian forcefully laid Liv down, Liv struggled. "Don't struggle, or it's going to be worse.", Liv held back her tears she couldn't let Brian see her weak, she had to be strong. Brian tied her wrists to the headboard and began to touch all over her body, she jerked when he touched her.

Brian took off her clothes leaving her in her under garments. "Liv Liv Liv you were always so gorgeous.", Liv was in disgust. Brian began to slowly take off her underwear when the door swung open. "What the fuck! How the hell did you get out?", El lunged after Brian tackling him off the bed. Liv tried to break free of the handcuffs that were digging into her wrist. On the floor Brian and El were fighting.

Kathy was in Julia's room, Kathy called Don and he was on his way. Kathy held Julia covering her ears so she heard nothing. There was a lot of yelling and thumps. Liv was still trying to break free, her wrists were bleeding from the handcuffs digging into her wrist. El and Brian were still fighting. El punched Brian, and Brian kicked El. Liv finally broke free, she put on her shirt, and jumped off the bed. She grabbed a bat and went up behind Brian and swung it at his legs making him fall. Once he fell El kicked him over and over. Liv noticed Brian wasn't moving, Liv went over to El and pulled him back, "El I think he's dead.", El went to go see if he was breathing. He wasn't. "He's dead.", Liv hugged El and started to cry. "It's okay, it's over now. Let's go see Julia.", they went into Julia's room.

"What are you doing touching my child!", said Liv taking Julia from Kathy. Before Liv could continue El stopped her. "Liv, she was the one that untied me. She was the reason I was able to help you.", Liv was stunned. "I..I'm sorry.", "It's okay, Brian was one of the worst mistakes in my life.", "Thank you so much.", "Don't thank me, I feel like this is my fault.", "This is not your fault, Brian is to blame, you didn't have a choice. I understand, that's how he used to always be.", Kathy nodded in agreement. "Okay, you need to leave right now. If the police see you then you will go to jail for helping, leave now.", Liv hugged Kathy, after Kathy quickly left.

Don arrived a little after, "POLICE!", all three of them emerged from Julia's room. "Don, it's over. Brian is dead.", Don put his gun down, and went over to hug them. "I'm glad you guys are safe.", "We are too.", they ended the hug, and stood there. They were talking when El collapsed. Don dropped down on one knee and felt his pulse. "We need an ambulance!", the paramedics came in. "What happened.", "He was shot in the leg.", "How long ago?", "An hour.", "Okay, we need to go to the hospital soon. His pulse is weak, and he lost a lot of blood. Do you know your husbands blood type?", Yes, it's the same as mine A positive.", "Okay, do you mind going to the hospital to give blood?", "Sure.", Liv turned to Don. "Can you take Julia? I just rather not have her see all this.","You got it. Just know i'm a phone call away.", "Thank you.", Liv hugged Don.

She bent down to get to Julia's level. "Hey baby, you are going to go with grandpa okay?", "But mama I want to stay with you.", "I know, but mama has to go do something. Don't worry I will pick you up later.", "Okay fine." Liv left in the ambulance, she never left El's side. They got to the hospital and Liv went into a separate room to give blood.

They took her blood, and she waited there. The doctor came in, "Hi Mrs.Stabler, um so it's seem that we have some good news.", "Okay well what is it? Is it about Elliot?", "Well no, but Elliot is doing fine, we got him enough blood, so he is doing fine. But um well you're pregnant!", Liv was shocked, the doctor had said after Julia she couldn't have anymore children. "What?! Are you sure?", "Yes we are very sure.", "It seems that you are 2 months.", Liv's jaw dropped. "Okay thank you! Can I see El?", "Yes you may, he's 2 doors down.", "Okay thank you!","Your welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy!", Liv nodded and left the room, She wanted to know how she was going to tell El.

She knew he was going to be ecstatic.", Liv arrived at his room, she went in and sat by his bed. She held his hand watching him sleep. El woke up and smiled at Liv. "Hey babe.", "Hey, so I have some news.", "What is it? Are you okay?", said El panicking. "Slow your roll! I'm fine, it's great news!", "Well what is it?", "I'M PREGNANT!", El's jaw dropped, "Are you serious?!","Yes the doctor told me!","Liv i'm so happy! I can't believe it!", "I know we're going to have a little baby Stabler running around again!", "I know, how far long are you?", "I'm 2 months.", "That's great.", El moved over in his bed and pat the empty space, "Come on, lay with me.", Liv nodded and crawled in beside him.

El put his hand on her stomach. "I can't wait.", El kissed Liv. "Me either.", they laid their in silence for the rest of the night.

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