2: The Assault on Vigil's Keep

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Legendary ~ Audiograve (Vigil's Keep Theme)

Hand of Sorrow ~ Within Temptation (Grey Warden Theme)

It was night when we arrived at Virgil's Keep. I frowned, furrowing my brows. It had started raining on our journey and I had been looking forward to drying off once I met with Varel. I knew now, that wouldn't be happening any time soon. I could sense a large amount of Darkspawn here.

"What is it, Commander?" Mhairi asked, seeing my expression.

"Something isn't right," I said.

Tristan's fur stood on end. It wasn't just the fact that there were Darkspawn in the Keep that bothered me. What bothered me more was the fact I didn't sense a single Warden.

I drew my swords, Mhairi following my lead. "There are Darkspawn here. Keep that sword ready."

"Commander! Look!"

A man ran out of the keep, six Darkspawn in pursuit. Tristan snarled and the two of us darted forward.

"Down!" I cried.

The man ducked as I ran past, my left blade inches above his head. The two Darkspawn at the lead didn't and their heads went sailing through the air. I spun around and sliced a Hurlock across the chest. Tristan finished him off and I went for the Hurlock Alpha. Mhairi blocked a blow aimed at my back and ran her sword through the offending Darkspawn. I finished off the Alpha and turned to see the man finishing off a Genlock. After it was dead, he slammed his mace into its head several more times for good measure before turning to Mhairi and I. Tristan sat next to me and scratched his chin before shaking his head and looking up at me. I gave a small chuckle. The hound could tear out a throat one minute and then act like a common pet the next. It amused me to no end. The man approached us, panting.

He looked at me and he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "It's you!" he cried. "The Hero of Ferelden! Thank the Maker!"

My becoming queen wasn't exactly Alistair's most popular decision, but the Blight was still pretty fresh in the minds of the people that most were willing to overlook that the Hero of Ferelden, their queen and Warden Commander was a Dalish Elf. Most. For now. Especially when that Dalish just arrived in time to save their asses from Darkspawn. Again.

"Where are the other Wardens?" I knew he wasn't a Warden and I assumed he was one of the Keep's soldiers.

"There was someone right behind me. A Mage. He might have been a Warden. I don't know. All I heard was screams and people dying. I got out of there as fast as I could. And I ran into these..." He motioned to the dead Darkspawn. "You need to help them! You need to do something!"

Because I was ten feet tall, indestructible, and could shoot lightning out my ass.

"How many Darkspawn are there?"

The soldier shrugged. "I don't know. Hundreds! The Wardens didn't sense them until it was too late."

That didn't make any sense. The Wardens not sensing them until it was too late part. Until I could sense the Darkspawn, we relied on Alistair to warn us. Never once were they almost upon us before we had warning.

"And then they were everywhere. I'll see if I can't find some help. There has to be a patrol on the road."

I wasn't sure how far away Alistair would be. And I really couldn't count on him arriving in time. This was going to be all on me. No pressure.

The Dalish Commander (The Daughters of Thedas Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now