"Okay, I love you." I say.

"I love you too, bye."

"Bye," I say and click the red end button on my screen.

"Hello?" I ask again to see if Christina is still there.

"Hey, look let me call you back. My lunch break just ended and we have a lot of customers." Christina says as I hear a bell ring in the background.

"Alright." I say with a sad sigh, now I have no one to talk to except these four walls.

"Bye, love you and do over do it." She says

"Alright, mom, bye."

"Haha, very funny, bye." She says and I click the red end button and I put my phone on the coffee table and turn back around facing the television watch the show.

I see how the parents are happy with their kids and how his son is about to get married.

I see how hard the parents are working to make their kids happy and it actually brings tears to my eyes that I will never get to share that moment with my twins.

Hopefully there will be more kids in the future, but I can't even bring my mind to the fact about conceiving more kids . . . it's too painful right now.

I wipe my eyes, still frustrated with the fact that I'm still acting like this even though I promised myself that I will try to not be so sappy and act all depressed, this is harder than I thought.

I just close my eyes and try to dream of something better, like going on missions at my job.

"Mom!" I hear someone shout and I turn around to see two children sitting in the back seat, they look around three and they are identical boy and girl.

The girl has Tobias' eye color and the boy has my eye color.

The boy has Tobias' hair color while the girl has my hair color.

They are identical except the last few things I said, they are beautiful.

"When are we going to the park mommy?" The little girl asks with a happy smile kicking her legs up and down in her car seat.

"We should be there any second." I hear a deep voice and look to my left, Tobias is sitting in the passenger seat driving to what I'm guessing the park. I look down and see myself in the passenger seat.

When did I get here?

"I can't wait to get on the swings, and the slide. Oh! And the big tire!" The boy says with amusement in his little voice not quite pronouncing the words correctly.

I smile thinking of the park myself.

"Why couldn't Zeus and Hercules come with us?" The little girl says sadly.

"Yeah." The little boy agrees with disappointment in his voice.

"Because, Audrey and Adriel, they were misbehaving and using the bathroom on things. You wouldn't want to treat them to something good after they did bad things." Tobias says as I look forward at the road as we pull up to a red light.

Audrey and Adriel, my twins.

"Daddy, my shoe fell off." Audrey says and I start to turn around to put her shoe back on but Tobias grabs my wrist pecking my lips.

"I got it." He says and I turn my attention back to the road and I see a flash of silver and then the sound of a metal crashing together rings in my ears. My vision turns foggy and I feel like the car is turning.

I hear glass breaking and screaming and crying until the car stops.

I look around to see my arm bleeding and blood running down my cheek, I take my seat belt off and look around and see that we were in a fatal car accident.

My neck burns from seat belt burn and I look to see Tobias head against the air bag.

I grab his shoulder and shake it trying to see if he's able to move or wake up but his body is limp and he's not breathing.

I turn to check on my kids and see that they are injured and bloody laying limp in their seats making a sob fall out of my mouth.

I get out of the car and see how the car hit us, it looks like two cars were racing and it lost control and hit us dead on.
I can't believe that my family is dead,

I'm the only one left. Left with the memories of their deaths and how they were . . . they're never coming back.


I jump up from the couch and see that my shirt is sticking to my back and faint tears are still on my face, it was only a dream. . . I don't have any kids and Tobias isn't dead.

A sob falls from my mouth, thoughts of having my family killed still fresh on my mind.

I get up and go to the bathroom hoping that a shower would help me calm down.

As I am showering, I am realizing that, that dream is somewhat like how I'm living now.

My kids are gone, I am grieving over them and it was just plain and clear in my dream.

I had kids, I was a mother but I lost them so quick. Just like how I lost them through the miscarriage, so quickly like how sand falls through your hand . . . and I can never get them back.

Like in my dream.

Divergent: The Outsider 2Where stories live. Discover now