Chapter 24

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Brenna's POV

      It's been two weeks since I was discharged from the hospital and confined to this stupid wheelchair. I still can't believe I'm paralyzed. Well, temporarily paralyzed. Dr. Karp said that when Isaac pulled me down my head and back hit the stairs extremely hard, causing some swelling and bruising to my spinal cord, or something like that.

     What he said just came out in a blur. But now I'm in this wheelchair for the next couple months, I have to go to physical therapy three times a week, and I need help with just about everything. Great.

     Siva and Nareesha had a ramp installed in front of their house, and moved all my things to the guestroom downstairs. I feel terrible for making them do all of that, but Siva kept insisting. When I'm able to walk again, I have to repay them in some way. 

      Tom basically lives with all of us now. He's here every single day, takes me to and from my therapy classes, stays with me, helps me dress, everything. Only thing he doesn't help me with is showering. I refused to let anyone help me with that. So, they installed a chair and handle in my shower, which was annoying at first, but I needed it. 

      The first week was horrible. I was just so miserable and didn't let anyone help me with anything. Tom had it the worst. I just took everything out on him, which I shouldn't have, because he was the one who saved me. But I've been better now. I'm paralyzed, I need to deal with that. But that still doesn't stop the tears from falling at night.

       "Morning love," Nareesha said as she saw me sitting at the kitchen counter. I smiled and swallowed my breakfast. "Morning." She made herself a cup of tea before turning around and leaning on the counter top. "So, how you feeling lately?" 

      I felt comfortable talking to Nareesha. She's sweet, easygoing, she's good company. "I'm feeling better, with the help of you guys and Tom. I'll be alright." She nodded and sat down in the chair across from me. "Speaking of Tom, how are the two of you? You seem to be getting closer everyday," she said and winked at me.

       I nod. "We're really great, actually. He's so sweet and helpful, and he actually puts up with my crap." I giggled as I finished my breakfast. The doorbell rang and Nareesha opened the door, and in walked Tom. He said good morning to Nareesha before walking over to me and planting a gentle kiss on my lips. "Morning babe," he said as he combed his fingers through my hair. 

      "Morning, Parker." After he eats breakfast and I finish getting myself ready, with the help of Tom, he helps me into the car and we head off to my physical therapy session. 

Tom's POV

       My palms are sweaty and I'm shaking like mad. Why am I so scared? What's the worst that could happen? A lot could go wrong, stupid. Ugh, stop over thinking, everything will be okay. 

    An hour later and out comes Brenna, smiling that beautiful smile of hers. "Hey babe, how was your session today?" I said as I help her out to the car and start driving. "It was good, she said I'm making fast improvements already." 

    I nodded and smiled at her while continuing to drive. After about twenty minutes of driving she started to get anxious and antsy, asking multiple times where we were going. I just had a smile plastered on my face. This will hopefully work out perfectly.

     As we finally arrived to our destination, she gasped and threw her hands over her mouth. "Tom, what is this?" I smiled and unbuckled my seat belt. "It's for you, us. I figured since there's been so much drama and you seem stressed out, I could do something to help you relax a bit." 

     She kissed me and smiled, staring at me with her breathtaking eyes. I got out and helped her into her chair, then we strolled over to the blanket I set up. I put a lot of thought into this. I had set up a blanket in the middle of a beautiful garden I'd found a few years ago. There were all sorts of flowers surrounding us and the sun was close to setting.

      I sat down on the blanket and slowly pulled her onto my lap. "This is perfect," she whispered, staring at the friendly rays that covered her face perfectly. The little black velvet box was burning a hole in my pocket. I have to do it now. "Brenna," I cleared my throat before continuing, "there's something I need to ask you."

     I set her down and pulled out the little box in my pocket, then got down on one knee. She gasped and her eyes went wide. "T-Tom, what are you doing?"

     "Brenna, I love you. I've known ever since I first laid my eyes on you. Your smile, your laugh, the way your eyes light up whenever you're happy. You're so beautiful and you don't even realize it. I love every single thing about you and I can't imagine spending another day without being able to call you mine. I know we've been through a lot together in such a short amount of time, but it's just made me realize that I can't live without you. Life is too short to wait and wonder what could happen. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with the most amazing, breathtaking, most perfect girl in the entire world. So, Brenna Rose Kaneswaran, will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and marry me?"

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