Chapter 2

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Siva's POV              

              I stood there in shock. It couldn't be her, no. My baby sister, whom I haven't seen in two, almost three, years is standing in front of me. And working as a maid. "Brenna," was all that escaped my mouth.             

            Tom lightly shoved my arm. "Mate, you know her?" I turned to face the rest of them and they were all staring at me in confusion. I quickly nodded. "Yeah, she's my baby sister."            

        "Well, I'm surprised you still remember who I am. You know, since it has been two years," she scoffed. Brenna rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Now, if you'll excuse me boys, I have to get back to work." She turned around and went right back to cleaning the beds.         

         I walked towards her and put my hand on her shoulder. She quickly shrugged me off and turned around. "Don't touch me Siva. Don't look at me. Don't speak to me. Please. You disappear for two years, don't call or anything to let me know you're okay." At this point her voice became wobbly, as if she was about to cry. "At one point I thought you died, but no. It was confirmed when one day I'm watching tv and you're on it with the rest of them!" By now she was shouting and tears were streaming down her face.               She quickly wiped them away and lowered her voice.

           "Just please Siva, leave me alone. Me and Noah are fine without you." Wait a minute, who the hell is Noah? "Brenna, who's Noah?" I heard her mumble "shit" underneath her breath. "Who is Noah?" I asked again. She shook her head and looked me in the eyes. "It doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter to you, anyway. But if you must know, she's our four year old sister. She was two when mum died and no one wanted the responsibility of a child. So I was left to take care of her. Can you believe that, Seev? A sixteen year old left to take care of a child all because her other brothers and sisters are too preoccupied with their own selfish lives!"       

         I just stood there. I didn't know what to think, say, or feel. My little sister, who should be at uni right now or making something of her life, is instead working at a hotel and taking care of a toddler. "Brenna, I'm so sorry. I never meant to abandon you like that. Please, let me take you out for some tea and we can talk about this. Please, it's the least I can do." She contemplated for a moment before nodding her head. "Fine, but I have to be back in an hour and a half to get Noah from school."      

        I turned to face the lads. "Guys, I'll be back. If they ask where I went, just make up some excuse. Tell them Nareesha needed me at home or something." They all nodded and before you know it, Brenna and I were on our way to the nearest coffee shop.  

Brenna's POV        

         We walked into the coffee shop and he ordered us both a cuppa. "So," he started, "how are you?" I slightly laughed. "I'm as fine as I can be right now. I missed you Siva. I wanted to hate you so bad for leaving the family years ago, but when I saw you," I shook my head, "I just couldn't help but smile inside knowing you were okay and that you still remembered me."      

        "Of course I remember you. I can never forget the reason for all my headaches and smiles for the last sixteen years." He laughed as our tea was brought over to us. I took a sip and prepared myself for the multiple questions I knew he'd ask me. And sure enough, he cleared his throat. "What's she like? Noah, I mean?"       

          I smiled at the thought of her. "She's great. She's so smart for her age and she's getting so big. Noah's absolutely perfect, so polite and kind to others. I'd go on about her all day if I could." I chuckled as I took another sip and looked down at the table. It felt natural to be with my brother again, just like old times. Except it wasn't. Nothing was the same anymore.       

         "I'd love to meet her. After all, she is my other baby sister," Siva said as he brought me back from my train of thought. I slowly nodded. "You both can come over for dinner tonight. I'll tell Nareesha to invite her nieces so it isn't awkward for Noah. Sounds good?" I nodded again, I couldn't really think of a response.       

         We drank the rest of our tea in silence and then I glanced at the clock. 2:50. Shit, I was gonna be late. "Um, Seev, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to head back to go and pick up Noah from school. But I'll see you tonight yeah?" He stood up and we exchanged numbers so he'd let me know all the details for tonight.       

        "It was great seeing you Brenna," he said as he gave me a tight hug. "And I promise, I'm not leaving. I made that mistake once, I won't make it again." I missed his hugs so much, I couldn't help but wrap my arms tightly around his waist. "Okay, I'll see you tonight Siva.," I said as I finally let go and walked to get Noah.

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