Chapter 25

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Brenna's POV

     "Tom, can you bring down that box for me, please? I can't reach it," I sighed aggravatingly. I was moving back into Tom's today, but he was doing most of the work. Why must I still be confined to this damn wheelchair? Although they said I'd most likely be out of this chair sometime next week, I'm scared. What if I won't be able to walk? What if something just went horribly wrong and they underestimated how severe the damage to my body was? 

     I'm interrupted from my thoughts as Tom drops the boxes next to me and sits down on the floor in front of me. He smiled and rested his head on my knees. "All done, that was the last of the boxes." I quickly fake a smile and turned my head to look out the window. "Babe, what's wrong?"

     He gently put his hand to my cheek and turned my head so I was facing him. I tried to mask the tears in my eyes but they just wouldn't leave. "What if I'm permanently paralyzed? What if I won't be able to walk down the isle with you? What i-" My sentence was muffled as Tom pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss. 

      "The doctor said that between the therapy you've been doing for the past three months and the extra practice you've been doing here, you'll be walking by next week. And the wedding isn't for another four months. Everything will be fine, everything's going to be okay. You just have to stay positive and hope for the best. Alright, babe?" 

      I nodded and sighed. "Alright," I leaned over and gave him a quick peck before putting the box onto my lap. "Now, where do you want this, Parker? Better have a lot of space cleared, you know I have a lot of things." I winked and giggled.

     He chuckled as he picked up the other boxes. "You're a mess." 

Five months later

Tom's POV

      One month. One month since I married the most amazing girl ever. One month since the boys and I got triple platinum. One month since my life changed. And I couldn't be happier. 

     "Babe, you here?" Brenna called as she walked through the front door. "Yeah, in the kitchen!" I called back. She walked in with the biggest smile on her face, making me smile in return. I wrapped my arms around her waist when she was in reach and pulled her in for a chaste kiss. 

      "I have some news for you." Her voice seemed to lower when she said that. She looked into my eyes and I could see a bit of worry in them. "Remember the night of our honeymoon?" I nodded for her to continue. "And what we did that night? And every night after that?" I laughed and nodded again. 

       "Tom, I'm pregnant." My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. "Shit, I knew you'd be mad. Please, don't be mad. I-I just found out today when my friend took me to the doctor after throwing up all week. I'm not that far in but I have another appointment in two weeks. S-say something, Tom." 

      I said the first words that came out my mouth. "We're having a baby?" She nodded. "Tears came to my eyes and a smile broke out on my face. "We're gonna have a little family?" She smiled and nodded again. "I'm not mad, I'm happy! This is great, babe. I love you so much and now we'll have a mini us running around." I embraced her in a hug and kissed her passionately. 

     That night we laid in bed, talking about baby names and what we thought he/she would be like. Our dreams for our baby and our dreams in general. It was perfect. She was perfect. My life after meeting her was simply perfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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