Chapter 15

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Noah's POV

       Two months. It's been two months since we've found out that I'm dying. Brenna, Siva, Siva's friends, Nareesha, Olivia, and Chloe have visited me everyday. Siva's bought me stuffed animals, sweets, even balloons. Tom's brought his guitar with him every time he visits and they sing to me every night before I go to sleep. 

      Brenna always tries her hardest not to cry but I can see in her eyes that she wants to. In a way I feel like this is my fault, that I'm making everyone sad, but I don't mean to. I didn't ask for this, it just happened. 

     I can feel my body slowly giving up on me, it hurts to move my fingers. I've been doing this thing to help make the sick in me go away. I always forget the name but it begins with a C, all I can remember is that it rhymes with Nemo. It's helped me so far but all my hair is gone, and my body feels weaker than before. 

    Every day I can feel myself slipping away, but I have to smile to let everyone know, especially Brenna, that I'll be okay. God is ready for me, I can finally meet mommy and daddy now. I'll be pain free and my hair can grow back. Everything will be okay again.

       I think it's my time. 

Brenna's POV

     It was around half two in the morning. It was just Noah, Siva, and I in the room, everyone else had gone home to shower and get some sleep. Nareesha kept urging me to go back to their flat and get some rest but I refused. I promised Noah I'd always be with her and I've kept my promise. I'm not breaking it, not now. 

    Siva was reading the newspaper and I was texting Tom. We're on speaking terms now. Not back together, but he's been here for me and my sister every day. 

     I felt Noah shift in her bed and I looked up to see her looking between Siva and I. "Everything alright, baby girl?" She just nodded her head, and then held out her two hands. Me and Seev looked at each other in confusion, but took her hands in ours. 

   "I want you both to promise me that you'll never forget me, okay?" I shook my head slowly and furrowed my eyebrows. "Noah, sweetie, I don't understand. What's going on?"

    Tears fell from her eyes and she smiled weakly. "It's time for me to go be an angel now, sissy. It's time for me to go." I gasped and shook my head violently as the tears cascaded down my face. "No, no, no, no, no! Noah, listen to me, you aren't gonna die, okay? You're gonna live and you're gonna beat it. You can't leave me, I need you. I need my little sister." 

   She took her little hand and wiped away my tears as I sobbed uncontrollably. "I'll be watching over you," she turned to look at Siva, "and you too. I love you both, don't cry please. I'll tell mommy and daddy you said hi." 

     Siva couldn't contain his tears either. He bent forward and put his forehead against the bed while he cried, Noah's hand in his. We all sat there crying and praying, but it was too late.

     Noah died seven hours later. My little sister, my baby girl, the reason I was still alive, was now gone.

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