Chapter 1

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Another day, same routine. Wake up at six in the morning, get myself dressed, wake up Noah at seven and help her get dressed. Make us both breakfast, bring her to school, then go to work as a maid. I don't mind it, it pays well, it just gets boring cleaning after filthy people.

"Have a good day at schooly, baby. I'll be back to pick you up and then we can go get some hot chocolate, okay? Sounds good?" Noah smiled and wrapped her little arms around my neck. "Sounds great, NaNa." I smiled and gave her a big bear hug before letting her walk into school. I put my earphones in and tuned out the world. The hotel I worked at wasn't very far from the primary school Noah went to.

I turned the corner and my eyes set on a huge billboard advertising some big event that The Wanted were attending. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I wanted nothing to do with him. He left me years ago without so much as a goodbye. I survived two years without him, and I intend to keep it that way.

Minutes later, I arrived to work with five minutes to spare. I clocked in, hung my things in the back, said hello to everyone, and got straight to work. I didn't really talk to anyone there, I never had much to say. I was quiet, kept things to myself. It was nice to be by myself but I got lonely at times.

First room up on the list: 208. These people were not as messy as most were. They attempted to make their beds and kept everything as neat as they possibly could. They left a £5 tip for me to leave extra towels, bless them. I quickly cleaned the room and moved onto the next one. 212.

Now these people were absolutely disgusting. Pizza boxes on the floor, dirty socks and underwear thrown around the room. They left the television on and it smelled as if there was a dead body that had been left for weeks somewhere in the room. I shook my head. I better get paid extra for this, the sight and smell in here was just vile.

I got straight to work and started making the beds. I'm assuming it was only boys staying in this room because there were ripped condom wrappers on the floor. Pigs.

After a few minutes of straighting out the first bed, I got a bit bored. I took out my phone and turned it all the way up, pressing play and setting it on shuffle. Of course, the first song to come on is I Found You. I have to admit though, it was such a tune. Just because I didn't like him doesn't mean I can't like his songs.

I started dancing around and singing, all while still cleaning. It reached Nathan's solo, I grabbed the nearest bottle I saw and sang my heart out. People said I had a good voice but I never believed them, but I heard a bit of myself and I didn't sound that bad. I kept dancing and singing along until the song finished. My back was facing the door so I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a cough and a few giggles. I turned around with my hand on my chest, wide eyed. As I saw who it was I couldn't believe it, it can't be him.

I stood there for a moment ignoring the four other pairs of eyes on me as my gaze only set on one pair. He's changed since the last time I saw him, two years ago.

"Siva," I breathed.

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