Chapter 5

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Tom's POV

         As I walked back downstairs I couldn't help but grin. She had such a presence to her, and her laugh was infectious. I've been happy around Kelsey, but it's nothing like when I was around Brenna. Oh Tom, stop being such a soppy git, you just met the girl.

        I walked into the kitchen and patted Siva on the back. "I'm feeling much better." He nodded and smiled. "Great, couldn't have a depressed Tom lying around my flat for too long." We both laughed as Nareesha brought me some food to eat and tea. "So," Siva started, "you wanna tell me what happened with Kels?" 

      I shook my head as I bit into my food. "Nothing really. Kelsey broke up with me because she didn't like me being away and in the states too much but she failed to realize that this is my job and this is what I love to do. If she can't realize that then oh well, it's her loss." I honestly couldn't believe how well I was actually taking all of this. I dated this girl for almost two years, I lived with her for a year, and I was ready to ask her to marry me. I guess it just hadn't fully hit me yet.

       As I finished my food Brenna came walking down the stairs and I found myself smiling at her. She returned the smile and went into the living room. A few minutes later she walked back in with a little girl, who looked really sleepy. "Hey guys, I hate to be a downer but it's passed Noah's bed time and I have work in the morning. Thank you so much for the dinner and inviting me, tonight has been amazing." 

      Nareesha walked Brenna and Noah to the closet in the living room to get their coats and they came back to give everyone hugs and say bye. She turned to Siva and gave him a hug. "Hopefully this won't be the last time we see each other," I heard her say to him. "It won't," he replied. "Good," she nodded and then looked to Noah, "we have to catch the bus, come on."

      I jumped up at the chance. "The bus? No need, I'll drive you home." She shook her head. "Tom, you don't have to, it's oka-" she started but I cut her off. "No, it's perfectly fine. My car's right outside and I was leaving soon anyway. Come on." After a bit of persuading, she finally agreed to let me drive her home. I said bye to Seev, Nareesha, and her nieces and the three of us went outside. 

      On the car ride to her house I got to know a bit more about her. At first she seemed a bit guarded and almost questioned as to why I'd want to know anything about her, but soon enough she opened up a little. I found myself intrigued with her, I wanted to know more.

      We soon pulled up in front of her place. "Well here we are," she said as she turned around to face a sleeping Noah. "Seems like someone is worn out," I said and she slightly laughed. "Yeah," she paused for a moment. "Thank you Tom, for everything. Taking us home, actually getting to know a bit about me, taking my advice, your little compliment. You're really sweet, a bit different from how you come off in interviews." 

      She kissed my cheek and unbuckled her seatbelt, stepped out of the car and went to get Noah. I helped her and walked her to her front door. "So, since I've been such a lovely gentleman, would it be too forward if I asked for your number?" I smiled sweetly and she laughed as she pulled out her phone and handed it to me. I handed her mine and we exchanged numbers. "Goodnight, Tom." She walked inside and I walked back to the car.

       I drove home with a smile plastered on my face. She was different. So interesting, sweet, beautiful, intriguing, wise. Different from the rest. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text. 

   thanks for the advice, it really helped. hopefully we get to hang out more in the near future xx T

       I changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down. My phone vibrated on my bedside table and I looked at it to find I had a text from Brenna.

    I'm always here to help & yeah, I'd love that xx B

        I went to bed that night with a smile and her on my mind, forgetting about all my worries and troubles. But how long would this last?

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