Kagami Taiga Route P.2

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I stood there, frozen in shock. Neither of us spoke, we just stood there embracing each other.

"Do you really feel that way about me?" I finally asked.

"I do." He replied instantly.

"Then, why'd you just leave me there that time?" I asked, my voice faltering mid-sentence as I recalled the moment he dumped me all of a sudden, in my own house.

"Y'know... your brother had exchanged a few words with me before he left." Kagami started. "H-He said you'd leave me, just as you did for Japan."

"I would've never left you. After all, I was crazy for you at that time." I admitted, shyly.

"And are you still now?"

I raised my head slowly, and nodded as a blush began forming on my face.

He covered his face with the palm of his hand. "This has to be... This is a dream, isn't it...?"

I pulled myself closer to him.

"What's a dream is that I'm here, hugging you, right now." I whispered, my voice shaking.

Kagami embraced me with one arm, and tilted my head up gently with the other. I closed my eyes on instinct, knowing what was going to happen next.

Kagami kissed me passionately.

"That's enough. You're still inside the school building and I forbid you to do anymore until you're off the school grounds." A voice interrupted, before things got more intense.

"Fine, Seijuro. We'll be going then, right?" I asked, looking up at Kagami. "Let's catch up with each other since we haven't seem each other for some time."

"Ahh, sure." He agreed.

I grabbed his hand and we began walking out of the gym. Before we reached the exited, I let go of Kagami's hand and walked up to Seijuro.

"Thank you for helping me, Seijuro. Thing's wouldn't have ended like this if you hadn't. I hope you find someone special to you too like I did." I smiled, before rushing back to Kagami's side.

It wasn't clear, but the last thing I heard Seijuro say was, "You were... one... loved."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but shrugged it off; I was with Kagami now.

I conversed with Kagami on the way towards the front of the school. Before I knew it, we had already reached the doors leading outside.

"Hey Ka-"

I stopped mid-sentence and smiled.

Ahh, that's right. I think I can call him what I use to call him before now.

"Taiga, piggy back me home!"

"Alright, alright."

Before I hopped onto his back, I got on my tippy-toes in front of him, and we shared a loving kiss with each other.


2nd to last chapter! I just finished and I'm so sleepy so I'm gonna nap :3 Good night guys~

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