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(Yukari POV)

Kei blushed slightly when I called his first name.

"D-Do you want to walk together with me?" He stammered nervously.

"Sure." I replied nonchalantly. I was in a particularily good mood today, so it didn't really matter anyways.

Kei quickly sped walk to my side awkwardly. I could see his hands swaying back and forth from the corner of my eye, hoping to 'accidentally' touch mine.

I smirked. Mind as well play along.

I brushed my hand against his... 'accidentally'. He jumped away instantly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, giving him a smile.

His face turned slightly red. "N-No, it's nothing..."

As we turned the corner if the hall. We were met by metal doors that led to the field. Kei quickly shuffled ahead and opened the door for me.


We finally arrived for club activities on time. I was about to walk towards the cherry blossom tree ahead and nap there like I usually did but, my right wrist was suddenly grabbed, holding me back.

"Umm... Yukari, would you like to play a match or two with me?" Kei asked, looking at the ground with a shy expression I couldn't help but think was irresistably cute... for some reason.

"Heh, why not?"

His face lit up instantly. "I'll go get the rackets and birdie then!"

As he ran off towards the cart of rackets and birdies, I closed my eyes and breathed in.

"It's gonna sprinkle a bit tonight... I should be able to practice for an hour or two." I said to myself, while sniffing the slightly damp air.

"What great predicting skills. How about you practice earlier than that then?"

My wrist was grabbed. Again. Though a bit more roughly than Kei. I already knew who it was.

"Seijuro, what do you want?" I said, annoyed

"Come with me." He said, pulling me forward

"Yukari, I got the ra-"

I turned my head slightly to see Kei with two rackets in one hand and a birdie in the other.

"You're Yukari's brother..." He stated.

"And what of it?" Seijuro asked, staring into his face as if trying to bore a hole through it. Kei stayed silent.

God damn, you useless good for nothing piece of trash... HELP ME!!
I thought struggling to get away from Seijuro, but his grip was too tight.

"If you have nothing to say, we're going."

"W-Wait!" He protested.



"Where are you taking her?"


"If you must know, I'm taking her to the basketball court." Seijuro told him.
I stopped resisting and struggling from his grip. I just stood there as if I was a brick.

"But she said she was gonna play badminton with me, right Yukari?" Kei said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I stayed silent.

"Let me answer for her then; Basketball is more important to her than your petty little game right now. She'd rather be on the court than here, where there's nothing to challenge her." He stated coldly.

"That's not tru-"

"I see how it is. Fine. Go with him and play basketball. Do what you want." He interrupted, clearly hurt.

As Seijuro dragged me away, I had just barely heard what Kei said afterwards, but my heart tightened at that words he had told himself.

"Your brother's always going to be more important to you than me anyway."


When you have like 10 chapters already prewritten but don't wanna publish cause you're gonna have to write more xD

The Generation of Miracles Hates Me - A Kuroko No Basket FanficWhere stories live. Discover now