"I'm on drugs?" I asked with a smile before pouring more blood into my mouth. "That's nice," I said after I swallowed it, opening another container up.

"Careful with that, Michelle. After that, no more blood for you," she said as she snatched the plastic bag from me, making me hiccup and whine.

"Fuck you, whore!" I yelled, waving my empty hand at her with a frown, before cracking a smile and laughing my ass off a second later.

"Whatever, bitch, I'm just looking out for you," she muttered, putting her long blonde hair into a messy bun.

"He-Hey, nurse!" I cackled as I swallowed the blood, almost choking.

"Dear, God," she groaned as she helped me up from the bed and grabbed my wrist. Out of nowhere I saw her pop out a syringe and stick me with it in the neck. Instantly my overly-cheerful mood vanished and I was back to normal, the blue liquid making it's way into my veins quicker and less painful than I thought it would be. "There. You're good for a couple hours. Now get back to class," she muttered as she tossed the syringe in the trash and casually walked toward the desk, transforming into an old woman again. I only thing I could manage to do was make my jaw drop as I stared at her.

"You can't just do that," I stated stupidly as I stared at her, making her look at with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do what, honey?" the old woman said with an innocent smile, making me growl and stalk towards her. Her eyes widened in fright when she saw my fangs slip out.

"You can't just turn into some young woman, feed me blood, stick me with a syringe, turn into an old hag, and pretend nothing happened. I'm sick of everyone doing that to me. I want answers," I growled.

"Okay, okay," she said softly, making me tuck in my fangs and raise an eyebrow at her. "Well... I'm obviously not human, so, is that enough information for now? You seriously need to get back to class."

"I will kill  you," I hissed, fangs lengthening, making her gulp as she looked down at my hands.

"Okay, okay..." she said quickly as she stood up from the chair, noticing my claws coming out.

"Start from the beginning. Who the hell are you? What are you?" I said, making her sigh and look into my eyes.

"Let's start off with me saying that I'm on your side, okay? I don't want to hurt you," she said slowly, making me tuck my fangs in again as I listened to her. "My name is Maria, and I'm a sucubus," she answered, making my nose scrunch up. 

So a sex-craving, soul-sucking monster is on my side? Great. 

"I know what you're thinking," she said, a tear slipping out of her eye. "But I'm not a creation. I was turned, just like you were," she added, making my ears perk up. My head snapped towards her and I started taking predatory steps towards her, making her take quick steps back for every step I took towards her. 

"What you mean 'like me'? What do you know?" I asked her as I trapped her against a wall, hands holding onto the collars of her shirt. 

"Calm down," she whispered, making me growl lowly at her. "People outside will hear," she added, making me stop growling and just glare at her. 

"Spill, or else I'll spill some blood out of your body," I whispered venomously. "What's everyone keeping from me?" 

"I don't know all of it, Michelle," she said. "I only know some rumors from the demons that were at the party."

"What were the rumors?" I asked, making her shake her head and furrow her eyebrows. 

"I... I don't remember a lot of them," she said, making me growl and lift a claw up to cut her through the middle. "But! But..." she said shakily, the second 'but' barely over a whisper. "I do remember that at some point a group of demons tried to lure you into a game, so they could eat you in a closet. Another rumor was one demon possessed your friend and made her poison you.

Hell's Personal Assassin: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now