Chapter Thirty Eight

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April's POV

*2 months later*

"Is Luke still bothering you?" Michael asked as he walked beside me towards the school gates.

"Nope" I mumbled.

"Good. You don't deserve to be bothered by a lying twat" he chuckled.
"Mikey.. What if he's right? What if he didn't do it? Luke isn't like that and we both know it" this immediately silenced him as he thought about an answer.

"Nobody else could have done it" he replied.

"How do you know?" He shrugged and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

We both sighed as we turned the corner to get closer to the coffee shop we had decided to go to. It was the same one that Luke and I went to the day that we got together.

"Go and sit down at a table, I've got this" I thanked him and stumbled over to one of the booths in the corner of the shop.

Michael spotted me and walked over a few minutes later with the two drinks in his hands. I thanked him again and sipped my drink before placing it down onto the table and twirling a strand of my hair around my finger.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" My jaw dropped at this.

"N-No you haven't.. Why are you telling me now?" I asked.

"You deserve to know the truth" he smiled and ran his fingers over the skin on the back of my hand.

I blushed and awkwardly thanked him for the compliment. My eyes watered involuntarily and Michael instantly began to panic. He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I-i don't know. It just feels nice to be complimented.. It hasn't happened in a while" I laughed and wiped my eyes.

He got up and sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. Michaels soft lips pressed against my forehead and I didn't understand what was happening. Then again I never knew what was happening.

"Clifford! Get away from her!"

Our heads shot up and I expected to see Aaron or one of my friends but boy, was I wrong. The tall boy strode closer to our table and Michael's arms never left my body which made me feel protected..

"What the fuck do you want, Luke?" Michael spat.

"I was going to get a drink and then I saw you two!" He slammed his hands against the table which startled me.

Michael's arms tightened around my waist and he rested his head against mine. Luke sat down where Michael was before I had started crying. I noticed the two of them sending each other cold glares.

"Are you on a little date here?" Luke asked coldly.

Michael scoffed and flipped off his ex best friend. I sighed and decided to stay quiet and I allowed this small disagreement to carry on since I had no idea how to stop it from happening.

"Y'know Michael, you have always had an eye for April haven't you? Hmm.. That makes me suspicious. You were jealous of our relationship weren't you?" Luke began.

I suddenly became intrigued and I sat up a little straighter. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at Luke and waited for him to finish his little, confusing speech.

"You were so jealous of us. You would have done anything to get us to break up so you could have April all to yourself! I bet you framed me! It was you that leaked the photos, you knew that this would happen so you did it so you could be selfish and have her all to yourself!" My jaw dropped as I looked back and forth between the two boys.

Michael did it?!




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