Chapter Twenty Nine

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April's POV

*3 weeks later*

Luke's warm hand was laced with mine as we entered the school gates. The usual stares and quiet chatter filled our surroundings instantly. I managed to ignore the odd comment and instead I focused on the boy that I was falling in love with. 

Aaron still refused to talk to me and I knew that I had probably lost him for good. I shrugged it off and greeted Ashton and Calum who were waiting for us by the cafeteria. We strolled down the hallway and I felt popular as everyone cleared the walkway for the four of us which was awesome! Usually, I would have to shove through everyone so that I could get to my locker or my next class. 

It looks like I will have to get used to it since I'm dating Luke Hemmings. He's popular but most people are afraid of him so he's a different  type of popular.. Calum was still acting strange around me but I chose to ignore it since it probably wasn't going to change. 

Ashton however was the complete opposite. He would always talk to me about anything that popped into his mind. Sometimes it worries me what actually goes through his head. We always had a laugh whenever we conversed and he was basically my best friend since I wasn't as close with Jordan anymore.

Luke kissed my temple and mumbled a goodbye into my ear. I watched his long legs carry him further away from me and I already missed him. Michael and Belle strolled past me and I felt awkward. Michael didn't glare at me this time though, he just smiled. Whereas Belle snorted and gave me a look of pure disgust.

I only told Aaron and Jordan about having sex with Luke but somehow Belle clearly knows. Aaron could have possibly told her but it could have been Luke who told the other three boys and then one of them told Belle. 

I shrugged off my thoughts and headed into my history classroom and took my seat in the back corner of the room. My gaze travelled out of the window and I watched the rain splash against the ground and sometimes splash against the window. 


The blonde boy was standing beside my locker which made me smile and run into his open arms. He kissed the top of my head and kissed my lips afterwards. His arms didn't release me for a few minutes as he just gazed lovingly into my green eyes. 

We headed towards the cafeteria and sat down with Michael, Ashton and Calum. I didn't speak to any of them for the duration of our lunch break, instead I just listened to their conversations about things I could care less about. 

I rested my head down on the table and felt Luke running his fingers through my blonde hair which relaxed me and helped me to stop over thinking everything. Hopefully the name calling will stop soon, I hate being treated like dirt. 

I didn't do anything to anyone. 

"Ignore what they say baby girl, you're mine and you mean everything to me okay? You're nothing that they say you are, you're perfect. I'll see you later, bye baby" Luke kissed me and strolled off with the other three boys slightly trailing behind him. 

Usually Michael is the leader of their small group but it looks like the tables have turned. 


This was a filler so I'm sorry if it sucks ;D

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